srx engine cut


VIP Member
Oct 23, 2008
southern maine
I have an 01 srx 700. I just serviced the sled for the winter. went out for 7 or 8 miles with no problems. came home, went inside. came back outside an hour later and adjusted the limiter straps. anyway....i fired it up and let it idle. grabbed a handfull of throttle then hit the break and it started running funny, almost like my old vmax 500 did with the early detonation setup on it. I fired it back up after a few and it did the same thing. after it came down to an idle it was fine and i was able to get it out of the garage, get above certain rpms and it went into shutdown. any ideas? carb problem possibly? To give a little insight, my primary was sticking a little so i sprayed it with wd40(not on the belt) and i took off the carbs and thoroughly cleaned them...i need help.
Dont do it simply loosen the throttle cable adjuster on the carbs so there is freeplay when the throttle is applied!You want to see about a 1/4 "of play in the flipper.Than if you still have a problem undo the wires going to the carb and plug them into each other.
There will be 2 wires down by the carbs that have bullet style connectors. Unplug them and then plug the ones going upto the bars into each other. I usually plug the ones on the carb into each other so I don't forget the TORS has been messed with.
thanks, i will try this and post tomorrow...i failed to mention that i did recently put a 1 inch riser on it.....
