anyone ride with a motocross style helmet???


New member
Oct 5, 2009
east haven, CT
so bad news today i cant find my modular helmet or any snowmobile helmet for that matter between the storage unit and my shed... im in between moving into a new house...

so i know it will turn up but im not waiting until the closing and i dont want to buy another helmet..

anyone use a motocross style helmet and maybe a neoprene face mask underneath and goggles? im thinking this may be my way to ride until feb 4th (thats when the moving company moves the new house in...

any input? advice? thanks guys i want to go up north this weekend...
I have.... if its real cold out, you do alot of lake running, or you like to run right behind guys it suck bad though! It can be done though.

My brother in law rides with one along with 2 of his friends and they have had zero complaints for the most part. They have said with the "cheaper" googles you'll get the fogging, but with a decent set of googles they are good to go and they have zero complaints about freezing their face.

I also look forward to some of the more veteran rider responses as I am toying with buying a helmet like this. My current helmet fits my wife and rather than buying one for her (since that one is basically brand new) I like the idea of being able to change out google lenses pending on conditions outside. (zero experience with this riding, but I have done this in the past with snowboarding/skiing)
Never rode with anything else besides a motocross helmet. Put a breath box in it and a good pair of spy's and you will never go back to the old man helmet.
I am so glad you asked. I love riding with the mx style. The key is to have every single milimeter of your skin covered by something. I usually wear 2 neckwarmers, neither one choking me. First one is at the bottom and scrunched up against the jacket. Second one acts as a gasket for the goggles I'm wearing. At the same time you have to wear some kind of balaclava to form the gasket from the bottom/outside of your eyes to the top.

The helmet does not provide the wind/snow resistance that the fullface does, so you have to make up for that by covering every inch. Any exposed skin at that windspeed and temp would result in frostbite. In the end I believe mx style and goggles is better in almost every way except assembling everything.
i have a modular and a mx style helmet. the modular helmet for me fogs up bad. my mx helmet is what i use 90% of the time. i wear a balclava and good goggles. i some times get some fogging but the view from an opn face helmet is better for me. the only thing i had happen that was bad with my mx helmet was the wind caught the visor and pulled the helmet over my eyes.
yeah im gonna have to do it for now im just nervouse about when me and my friends get a crazy with the rat racing and i catch a face full of snow just before i pass them on the inside lol i bought a goos blaclava today and now ive go to get some anti fog goggles and tear-offs i should be ok all covered up the face thing i bought is neoprene and covers all the way up over my forehead...
I always use to wear a modular helmet but since last year my uncle convinced me a motocross helmet is the way to go. Good pair of googles and a face mask makes the cold lake rides bearable.
I've been wearing an MX helmet on my sleds for about 10+ years. A good balaclava with wind resistant fabric and possibly a breath deflector will do the trick, as long as you have the neoprene surrounds for the goggles.

I never have fogging issues, and I don't even use the no fog or similar style mask.

I used to use a cheap nylon balaclava, and a neoprene face mask over that, along with the neoprene on the Scott goggles, but I got a new arctiva wind blocker balaclava that will stay put better and not slide down when I put on the helmet. I'll put it to the test this long New Years weekend.

Unless it's MEGA cold out, I won't even wear my full face helmet anymore. I like the better peripheral vision and feel of a MX helmet over a claustrophobic full face. I have no issue with full face on a street motorcycle, but on a sled it just feels wrong to me.
I've been using a motorcross style helmet for years now, no complaints about cold. I wear a neoprene mask under it, covers my whole head except for the cut out for where the goggles sit. Half the time I get too hot and take it off for a while. Make sure you get a double lens goggle, night and day difference in not fogging over the single lens ones. Mine only fog if I stop and leave my goggles on my face, but they clear up after barely taking off when the air starts flowing on them again. I have the strap for the goggles that mount on the sides of the helmet, the left side stays fastened to the helmet (can be removed though) and the right side is held by velcro so you can remove or attach them easily. These attach points on the helmet are simply round adhesive fittings that you peel the back off of and then stick them to your helmet where you want them.
i ride a FLY moto helmet, with a generic breath deflector, set of nice googles picked up at the snowshow and a klim balaclava. rarely do i get cold, if i ever have a complaint its because when i strapped the googles across with the quickstrap i didnt get it all the way down on one side and i got air coming in, quick fix, stop and readjust the google.

might take some gettin used to as the visor will catch the wind if your not payin attention, but i wont go back to a modular helmet.
I have several types of helmets, but have only worn my MX style (HJC CL-X4) with my SPY Blizzard goggles now for several years. A Klim balaclava works great. There are just as good or even better MX helmets and goggles available now, such as the 509 helmets and goggles, the Klim helmet, and the Scott XI goggles. Good input above, the goggles need to fit the helmet well without allowing any exposed skin. Then you can keep it simple. Balaclava first, neck warmer if really cold, helmet, and then goggles. Works great, and I can put my helmet on as fast as the modular guys can.

The Visor helps keep the snow chunks from hitting by simply looking down for a second. Keep it adjusted down, and it won't catch the wind so bad at 100+ mph.
I have a Troy Lee Design MX helmet and love it...Never thought I would but I like it..My only complaint is that if it's snowing hard out sometimes the snow around the padding gets wet when we stop for food or drinks..And defff keep the visor down it will tear your head off at 100+...
I bought an MX style helmet last year not trying one before, I must say, it was a great purchase. The goggles have not fogged up on me yet. I use a breather box and a balaclava when it is really cold, if it is a littler warmer I don't even bother with the balaclava as my coat covers my neck nicely.

Like Ding said, keep your head down when flying down a trail or on a lake or your head will be taken off.
MX helmet is the way to go, I started using them when racing only, and tried it out on the trails and will never go back and I have worn this setup to -20F air temp then racing at 90+mph for a few hours with no issues
The KEY is the helmet fit and goggle to helmet fit not all goggles have the same foam surround and the lenses are different
My .02 is get a good fitting helmet that offers a breath box and then take your helmet with you and fit the goggles to the helmet and you

My setup Scorpion VX17 with either ariete goggles or 509 sinisters
IMO the scorpion helmets are the best for Snow because they have a snow package setup for them with the best sealing breathe box I have found and are very safe carbon kevlar woven shell washable removable liners and seal well with a lot of different goggles and are CHEAP !! My helmet can be found now from $79-149 based on solid or graphics and they fit great I wear a UA balaclava and have yet to get any shivver of cold

My .02
I don't think that the MX helmets are good thing for east coast riders, especially if you are doing mostly 60mph+ trail riding (lets face it, there definitely isn't lot of powder riding to be done here). I myself use one and some of the problems are as follows. When you crest large hills at high speeds and the front end of the snowmobile comes up, it tends to also lift your head up too. When you turn around to look behind you, if you bring your head back forward at an angle that isn't pointing down hill, the wind immediately whips your head up. It's not bad if you keep your head tilted down and you eyes tilted up , but who wants to do that? Also whenever people stop, you want to be pulling off that helmet in a hurry because in our humid climate as soon as you start to breathe for the 1st time it starts to fog (and I even have a fan mounted in them). I have 509 goggles with the chrome/clear lenses, however they are still tinted and you can't see anything at all just before dark when it is still light enough for your headlight not to really have any effect but dark enough that the tint makes everything look like night. Either way, there is definitely a time and place for them, they are lighter (or maybe just better balanced) and more comfortable IMO, I even find it relatively warm with a balaclava and breath deflector and if you are playing around in fields, or driving through rougher woods trails than I like to wear it. If you're just trail riding on highway snow like the majority of us east coasters than do whatever it takes to just get a normal helmet with a heated shield, nothing is worse than holding everyone else up because you keep fogging up.
