Pics of SRX Aaen pipes, anybody have some

I added pics of the pipes laying in the engine bay. The pto and center line up good but the mag side does not and it is close to the steering . I am wondering if maybe these are not srx pipes?
Maybe the mag pipe is bent. In the pictures you can see how far it is from the exhaust outlet. The other two are right on. How do you guys like those pipes?
srxhair said:
How do you guys like those pipes?

I like the Aaens for my application, I use them primarily for their light weight, they also have a good sound, not too noisy. In my experience...if you are after max top speed performance...stay with the stock pipes.


If you goto the photo section and look for this title you will see my aaen pipes in my girlfriends sled and the pics are kind of big.

Girlfriend's SRX700 "Worth it" ??

Good luck, these pipes seem to work very well for us.
B-rad I have looked at your pics but I need one taken from just above and ahead of the clutch pointing at the mag side outlet. If you look at my pics you can see the mag pipe is way off
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Unfortunately I will not be much assistance to you. That sled is 350 miles away at my house in the UP. Sorry. I won't be back up there till Jan 21
I tried bending the pipe by hand and it moved they are quite weak, I guess thats why they are light. I will adjust them more when I have more time.
Here's some pics from my sled. As you can see I have trimmed the washer at the top of the sreering main pivot to give me proper clearance with the mag pipe. You should be able to position the engine so the pipes have proper clearance but I have to align my engine far over to the PTO side to get proper clutch alignment with the secondary setup I run.





Thank you Bob and sasksrx for sending or posting the pics. They along with instructions Aaen sent helped a lot. Both of you guys do have different pipes than mine. Yours say "Aaen" on the straight section. On mine "Aaen" is on the curve. With a little bending I got them in pretty good now, and the grease nipple does not hit the pipe when turning. Do you both have ceramic coating? is it costly? I am missing the shock tower heat shield and the frame protection plate. It would cost $50 to get them from Aaen, is it worth it or should I make some up? I can't see the shock tower heat shield but I think I see the frame guard in Bob's third picture. Is it just sheet metal? Does packing have anything to do with performance or is it just for sound? Thanks
srxhair said:
Do you both have ceramic coating?....YES I DO

is it costly?... I paid a couple hundred $ at least[can't remember exactly] to get mine done in Winnipeg MB at "ProTech" coatings

I am missing the shock tower heat shield and the frame protection plate. It would cost $50 to get them from Aaen, is it worth it or should I make some up?...I would try to make some up they are just 3/32" approx steel

I can't see the shock tower heat shield but I think I see the frame guard in Bob's third picture. Is it just sheet metal?...YES

Does packing have anything to do with performance or is it just for sound?...A little bit of performance maybe...but I believe it is primarily sound on these pipes as the stinger diameter and length mainly control the back pressure of a given pipe.

I would also ask Aaen about your particular pipes as I beleve those are the earlier ones with tighter stingers.

Thanks Bob I will talk to Aaen next week when they get back from Eagle River. Where the pipes exit the belly do you make any seal around the pipes to keep out powder snow?
i got the same exact set you do name stmped on the curve of the pipe ....i belive these are earlier design pipes .mine were off a srx 600 that was bored to a 700 ...but i have switched them to my true 700 .. i got atleast a inch or 2 clearance around steering ....also if i remember correct they made 600 and 700 pipes ....or mabe you are trying to put 98 99 pipes on a newer sled ...
