1999 srx700 blue wire grounds?


Jan 28, 2010
I'm having issues with my 1999 srx, has a bad bog. Its my understanding this wire is supposed to be clean 12v dc. I put a multimeter on the connector terminal for the blue wire that runs from the coolant reservoir to the voltage regulator (with the regulator connector disconnected) and I get a closed circuit to ground.

anyone know if this is right? I checked a wiring diagram and it doesn't seem like this should be the case
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you do know that the 99 sled is not dc voltage but ac voltage right? the only place to get good clean dc regulated voltage is from the red wire on the key switch. I think you have the blue wire confused with the newer dual bulb 300 watt sleds from 2000-up.

are you trying to hook up a heated shield or something?
mrviper700 said:
you do know that the 99 sled is not dc voltage but ac voltage right? the only place to get good clean dc regulated voltage is from the red wire on the key switch. I think you have the blue wire confused with the newer dual bulb 300 watt sleds from 2000-up.

are you trying to hook up a heated shield or something?

oh I got it confused with the 2000+ I'm diagnosing a bogging issue. I thought I might have found wire rub through under the seat somewhere but the machine still has the issue with the taillight wire disconnected.
modsrx said:
probably under the engine or around the steering somewhere

Yep, i found the brown wire severed, and 3 others rubbed through to the wire. But repairing this didn't fix the issue. I think it may have burned out my CDI box because I drove around the field with a timing light and it doesn't fire regularly as the rpms go above 6000. runs fine at low rpm though
