Hey there, Im sure this question has been beat to death but cant find exactly what im looking for. Was trail riding today in fresh snow on and off the throttle and every now and again the belt will slip in the secondary and i have to stop and turn the secondary back to get the belt back up to the top before it will move.also the clutches are very hot. which is i know is due to the belt slipping. It has a bender Helix and is wrapped at 30, should i try bumping it up a hole? It also does this sometimes when i put it in reverse?
What spring are you using? Are you sure it is at 30,, need more than that.....
Sorry its a the stock red spring and yes it is at 30. I had it apart and cleaned it and that where it was when i bought it.
New member
should you not be up around the 70 mark?
Stock wrap is 80,,, I'm using a green at 70,... So your belt is just dropping down in the secondary.....
yeah i will be just putting along and it will start slipping around 5500...open up the hood and the belt will be down in the secondary and i have to manually bring it back up. I am going to check which hole the spring is seated in the sheve i cant remeber.
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orchie18 said:yeah i will be just putting along and it will start slipping around 5500...open up the hood and the belt will be down in the secondary and i have to manually bring it back up. I am going to check which hole the spring is seated in the sheve i cant remeber.
need to be atleast 70 for trail ride .....
I will adjust it back to 80 and see how that works.. hopefully solves the problem. Thanks everybody i will post results.
it will hold your hands and the handle now lolllllllllllllll
Took the secondary apart, It was set at 40. i installed it with 80 and sodged on it for 25 mins ..it seemed to be work good. The clutches were still hot but not scalding like it was...and no secondary issues. It seemed to rev a little bit higher but i never had enough room to really open her up. hopefully this solved the problem.
Active member
THIRTY ? WOW I WAS GONNA SAY. 3:16 (yammie tony)
hey there yammie god what do you suggest for a twist its a hauck 54 42 helix with a 80 twist everything else is stock.
Active member
START THERE, WATCH YOUR RPM. 3:16 (yammie tony)
perfect thanks alot
i would put a green secondary spring in there
Thats not a bad idea...the green spring is stiffer giving it more belt pressure and grip correct?...i may have to take a swing into the dealer see what one is worth. thanks
almost nothing and a good idea to give it a try ............
cool will definatly try it

if your rpm's get to high,get a couple extra rivets to add to the primary..don't tune rpm with the secondary..
bluemonster1 said:if your rpm's get to high,get a couple extra rivets to add to the primary..don't tune rpm with the secondary..
didnt tell him to tune with secondary but the belt was slipping that why i tell him about the green secondary