Super Moderator
Does anyone have the preload specs for a ya 352 reservoir shock. Looking for min and max preload and how its measured. Spring length or eye to top of spring. Also what is standard for clicks out. Its a 15 click reservoir. Thanks guys. CCC
I had the charts, but will have to see if they made the move to a new computer. They should have, but I will have to wait until Monday to look.

Super Moderator
Thanks ding that would be great. Having a bid of trouble dialing in the new ohlins and just wondered what the stock spec on that shock was. CCC
On my front ohlins 7 clicks out is factory setting and adjust from there.......

Super Moderator
Thanks whammy but this is for a RX1 rear ohlin with reservoir i have on my 04 viper. Im adjusting it per BTV's post but just not getting what i want. I thought if i had the stock specs it would help. Im getting their but its 50 and raining so no more testing here for a while. Ice is wet but holding so we will see. CCC
New member
Just seeing how the total set-up is going. I know we were in the same shoes as far as rebuilding and using ohlins shocks in the rear suspension. I wish I could say I have been out to test but I haven't yet. Just got the suspension all put back together today and I will be adjusting it tomorrow to BTV suggestions. As you know all the snow is gone now so untill we get some snow i wont be able to share my set up with you. Wish I could help W/ the settings your looking for but I don't know what the stock settings were.

Super Moderator
Here is what i did so far. Front skid ohlin ya 351 No preload now, came from carver with preload. Changed that after first ride and it helped. Rear shock ya 352 had to increase preload after second ride just not enough ski pressure yet. Also increased front shock preload and increased limiters a tad. So we will see. The ice is holding from what i here just want to give it a week to refreeze. Just need a tad of snow on it now. But the ride itself was smmmoooootttthhhh. What a difference already. Just pushing through the corners like mad now. I think its just a matter of adjusting new shocks right. Thats why im looking for stock specs on that shock. They dont match the stock viper settings at all. Let me know if ya come up with anything on your end. CCC
New member
Ya, so far all I have done is the front have the stock pre-load and set at the middle hole for the upper shock mount. The center I'm running no preload and left it alone from Carver. The rear 202PRC I started to dial that in last night. Right now the FRA is at the center hole. I have adjusted the pre load almost all the way out and I only have a 1/2in left to add, my gap is mostly at the bottom right now. So today I might put the FRA in the bottom position to see if this helps me out. The limiters I have yet to adjust yet to. I'll let you know tonight where I ended up W/ everything.
Here are the springs that came on those shocks . . .
Center YA351 - with a 180-80/27 507 spring
Rear YA352 - with a 00180-87/45 L333 spring, and a 15 position (clicks) compression damping adjuster
and an excerpt from the spring spreadsheet . . .Rear YA352 - with a 00180-87/45 L333 spring, and a 15 position (clicks) compression damping adjuster
see attachment . . .
and some advice from the Ohlins Rep about using the YA 351 & YA 352 (RX1 specs) in place of the YA 331 & YA 642 (Viper specs) . . .
I looked at the spec sheets for all these shocks & here’s what I see. We’ll start with the center shocks:
YA 351 & YA 331. These shocks are nearly identical in length & stroke & spring rates. They are different body size so we could not convert the YA 351 into a YA 331.
On the rear track shocks the length & stroke are similar but the spring rate & valving are stronger on the YA 642. Plus it’s the larger size body shocks as well.
It looks like the YA 331 & YA 642 are a heavy-duty version of the YA 351 & YA 331. We can’t recommend you use the RX-1 shocks on anything other than an RX-1 for safety reasons. You could sell the shocks you have & use that money towards the purchase of the correct shocks for your sled. Thank you, Jerry.
YA640: spring: 180-74: 290mm x 19 Nm
YA642: spring: 180-72: 370mm x 38 Nm
On the rear track shocks the length & stroke are similar but the spring rate & valving are stronger on the YA 642. Plus it’s the larger size body shocks as well.
It looks like the YA 331 & YA 642 are a heavy-duty version of the YA 351 & YA 331. We can’t recommend you use the RX-1 shocks on anything other than an RX-1 for safety reasons. You could sell the shocks you have & use that money towards the purchase of the correct shocks for your sled. Thank you, Jerry.
YA640: spring: 180-74: 290mm x 19 Nm
YA642: spring: 180-72: 370mm x 38 Nm
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New member
Thanks Ding I could use that chart. Ok, got finished setting up the sled and this is what I ended W/. Oh ya I weigh 200lbs dry, shocks were valved for 220lbs. The Center shock is a YA641 15/16 preload it has spring 180 17/21 L242. Rear shock is a YA202PRC 1.5" of preload only about 1/4" of preload left. FRA is set at bottom. And the spring in that shock is a 00180-40 L069 progessive. Limiter straps are set at an 1" out from the bracket. That progressive spring I believe may be too light but for now it will have to work. My gap was centered but I didn't have my riding gear on and the gas tank was empty and w/ the way that shock is almost out of preload and set on the bottom of the FRA I may need to go up to the next spring.
New member
By looking at the chart the streight rate 38 spring that was in the shock that I did have in before is actually lighter than the progressive spring I have now. It's rate is 25-39.5. So I just need to have more threads to be able to add pre load.

Super Moderator
I cant open the attatchment on my computer but saved it and will open and print at work. Thanks Chris. CCC