540 V max boon docker


VIP Member
Nov 2, 2008
syracuse indiana
I have been wanting to build a narrow Boon Docker. I do not want an exciter. The Phazer we have is great but I would like something different. I was thinking of a 540 V Max. 136" 1.25 Ripsaw, Apex ski's, Long travel suspension. I don't want to widen the front, but would like longer travel. The rear skid could be a Viper skid. Any ideas, good or bad???? I like the look of the V Max. Should be plenty of power also. Let me know. Al
Have you seen the build done on here? That is the perfect vmax 540. Also to go with longer travel in the front you will have to widen the front end as the top of the struts already nearly touch the hood. To avoid this you have to widen the front end so the struts are outside the hood.

Hope this helps.
speednutt said:
Have you seen the build done on here? That is the perfect vmax 540. Also to go with longer travel in the front you will have to widen the front end as the top of the struts already nearly touch the hood. To avoid this you have to widen the front end so the struts are outside the hood.

Hope this helps.

Cut notches in the hood to allow the top of the struts to stick above ?
They would more than likely have to be pretty large notches to allow for the range of motion when the hood is opened and pivoting on the front hinges. But if there is a will, there is a way......
speednutt said:
They would more than likely have to be pretty large notches to allow for the range of motion when the hood is opened and pivoting on the front hinges. But if there is a will, there is a way......

True..... Catch22.....
