SRX 600 ski/loops question
First day out riding my new SRX 600 (new to me) and it was friggin' awesome! Even the guys on the cats and polaris' were impressed with the yamaha as it was new to them.
Anyway, when I bought it I replaced one of the ski loops before I rode (provided by teh owner). Out today, the other one went pop...and it could have been because of me....none the less, I have to replace it.
Anyone know where to find them or are they cheap? Off hand what does the dealership charge or can you get them. do they break often?
Pics are to come in my official "welcome" but I am at my in-laws' place and coming down on my adrenaline rush of riding all day.....I am beat.
First day out riding my new SRX 600 (new to me) and it was friggin' awesome! Even the guys on the cats and polaris' were impressed with the yamaha as it was new to them.
Anyway, when I bought it I replaced one of the ski loops before I rode (provided by teh owner). Out today, the other one went pop...and it could have been because of me....none the less, I have to replace it.
Anyone know where to find them or are they cheap? Off hand what does the dealership charge or can you get them. do they break often?
Pics are to come in my official "welcome" but I am at my in-laws' place and coming down on my adrenaline rush of riding all day.....I am beat.
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New member
kinda pricey around 40 bucks from the dealership around here. I don't think they break to often?
never broke one yet! There are some real nice billet aluminum ones on ebay for $95 each
SRX 600 ski/loops question
Alright, well I had a chance to get home and unpacked from the holiday weekend with the in-laws and have had a chance to cruise ebay, clist, and also give the dealer a call in regards to the loop. After looking at the loop closer, It almost looked as if it might have already been cracked and one good bump when it was below zero was what it might of needed to finish it off.
50 bucks for a brand new one, I found absolutely nothing that would work on ebay. I loved the look of the billet ones, however they were all for the RX1 ski setup and nothing really on craigslist either.
With all that said, (and I tried to search for the answer) but are the stock SRX skis a decent factory ski worth putting the 50 bucks into for the ski loop? Or, am I better off putting that money towards a different set of skis that might make the sled handle better? I know someone locally has a set of USI project X or SX skis setup for a SRX for under 200 dollars.
Alright, well I had a chance to get home and unpacked from the holiday weekend with the in-laws and have had a chance to cruise ebay, clist, and also give the dealer a call in regards to the loop. After looking at the loop closer, It almost looked as if it might have already been cracked and one good bump when it was below zero was what it might of needed to finish it off.
50 bucks for a brand new one, I found absolutely nothing that would work on ebay. I loved the look of the billet ones, however they were all for the RX1 ski setup and nothing really on craigslist either.
With all that said, (and I tried to search for the answer) but are the stock SRX skis a decent factory ski worth putting the 50 bucks into for the ski loop? Or, am I better off putting that money towards a different set of skis that might make the sled handle better? I know someone locally has a set of USI project X or SX skis setup for a SRX for under 200 dollars.
Active member
Your stock skis will be the best in hardpack drag racing but a set of aftermarket ski's will make your sled just rail in the trails. I c&a's with shaper wear bars and love them. Post a add in the wanted section or look p.m one of the guys that always have parts like viperking and see what he will sell a loop for.
Active member
try this guy on 4 stroke side http://www.ty4stroke.com/viewtopic.php?t=95757
Riverrunner, thanks for the heads up! I just registered on the other side and once my account is active, I'll check into it with him.
I haven't been a member very long, but everything I have seen and witnessed on this site is great.
Kind of ironic on the maiden voyage for myself, the very first sled we ran across was a blue viper. Both the cat and the polaris got a finger wave, and when I rode up I got a full hand wave and a nod. Made up for the other sleds I ran across that day and gave the wave to only to be passed up. Them cat boys are really a pretty "elite" group..
I haven't been a member very long, but everything I have seen and witnessed on this site is great.

Kind of ironic on the maiden voyage for myself, the very first sled we ran across was a blue viper. Both the cat and the polaris got a finger wave, and when I rode up I got a full hand wave and a nod. Made up for the other sleds I ran across that day and gave the wave to only to be passed up. Them cat boys are really a pretty "elite" group..

Active member
I get a lot of that up this way too. But it gets even better when the kitty's are broke down a couple miles up the trail and you let the srx scream while you pass them. I have had that happen on several occasions.