New member
im looking to by this kit from a guy but he told me that the kit does not come whit a primary spring. by talking whit an other guy , he told me to use the black heavy hitter spring in my kit! So does the spring comes in the kit or i need to buy it seperately. Does some one knows an other spring that is egal to this one thanks!

the heavy hitter spring is super stiff, 150/300 engagement will be like 5500 and in my experience with it, works best on short pulls.
Using heavy hitters with their black spring will give you approx 44-4500 engagement. If you spend the time to get them dialed in, they work well.

i agree on the weights. the hh's are my favorite weight. but mine engage much higher then that with the black spring?????????????? dont know why
New member
ok but can i keep an engagement around 4000 like the stock one? what spring should i use ase primary and secondary»&
New member
but those the spring come in the kitt? cause the guy who wants to sell me the kit says that there is no spring whit it..

i'm running mine right now with a www yamaha spring and with no shims the engagement is slightly over 4000. you can use them with pretty much any spring you just have to adjust the weight to get your rpms where you want. as far as them coming with the spring i couldn't say. i bought mine from a member here with the spring but thats not to say thats how theyre sold
New member
okay thanks! cause journey man give me a good idea of the setup i need to run on a stock viper but he says he use the black spring and a member want to sell me the kit but it does not come whit the spring!
Active member
the heavy hitter kits are suppose to come w/the black 150/300 spring. when i ran them on my srx, i had 4400-4500 engagement. also, you can adjust engagment rpms, by adding weight to the heel. staggs, you using a short spring cover or something?

could be josh. i know it was a bear to get it in there without a clutch compressor. but i can get the yamaha springs in by hand no problem. what did the short covers come on?

could also be that it isn't the spring it's supposed to be since i bought it off someone, not new
Active member
staggs65 said:could also be that it isn't the spring it's supposed to be since i bought it off someone, not new
that's also what i was thinking. short covers came on all 97's, and like all 98's but srx's. your srx should be tall cover, as no 700 srx came stock w/short cover.
Active member

this is bugging me so bad i just ordered a new 150/300 from thundershift to see what gives. i'm pretty sure the covers are the tall since theyre the same on both my srxs
i used the heavy hitter black spring and i engaged at 5000 but the dalton blue brought it down lower. just an idea.