1 1/2 track

You can't stud that. The 1.5 track will run the tunnel protectors itself. 1 inch track with studs is the biggest, or 1.25 unstudded. Now I'd you switch to 8 tooth drivers, whole different story...
You can put a 1.5" track on, but you will have to take the tunnel protectors out. You cant run a 1.5" studded track without 8 tooth drivers, even then I am not sure if you can
I run a 1.25" ripsaw with 144 studs in the center and have not had any rub issues with 9tooth drivers...I was going to install 1.5" studs instead of the 1.325 that are in the track now but the clearance was only like 1/16" between stud tip and cooler. I don't think you are going to be able to stud your 1.5 " track...There isn't enough clearance between the tunnel (under the seat) and studs, 8t drivers won't help this. FYI the uber long studs for a 1 1/2 track tend to bend and break easily.
Hey winterfunguy...do you have front heat exchanger protectors on that sled? I have an 01 SRX with protectors a 1 inch attack camoplast track with 1.205 chissels and no rubbing. I am wanting to go to a 1.325 stud and it looks like it will work. the track now is about 1/8 inch from the protector and the studs are 1/2 in. from exchanger.
im running a 1 3/4 track with no tunnel protecters and no front heat exchanger protecters with 8 tooth drivers..seems to be working pretty good.
