8tooth Drivers


New member
Oct 19, 2010
Riviere-Heva Quebec canada
What is the advantage to put 8 tooth drivers on a srx Mine is srx 700 2001
Vforce 3 aeen exhaust and I have build a heelcliker kit 40-10 but not install at this time . I put a camoplast 1.5 track do you think it's a good track ?
the only reason that 8t drivers are installed in the SRX is to gain clearance between the track and front heat exchanger. The 8t creates a tighter radius on the track and also decreases the approach angle of the track, both of which are undesireable. The 1.5 in track choice is totally dependant on the riding you plan on doing...1.5= backcountry off trail performance...the 1.5 in my opinion is a little overkill on the groomed trails and just plain unpractical for the ice... IMHO
I have 8 tooth drivers due to the 1.5" track. Bought the sled that way. The problem with the 1.5" track is studding. I have studs that I have not put in yet. They are really long. If I stud I will pair them up with double backers to avoid bending and pull through.

The benefit, if you're like me and don't care about top speed, is acceleration. This thing is a rocket on hard packed trails. Will only do 105mph tops, but it gets to 100 real quick.
sledbuttrob said:
I have 8 tooth drivers due to the 1.5" track. Bought the sled that way. The problem with the 1.5" track is studding. I have studs that I have not put in yet. They are really long. If I stud I will pair them up with double backers to avoid bending and pull through.

The benefit, if you're like me and don't care about top speed, is acceleration. This thing is a rocket on hard packed trails. Will only do 105mph tops, but it gets to 100 real quick.

Im surprised at how well my 1.5" track hooks up in the hard pack. Surprised more people arent running them. In my opinion as long as you dont care about top speed or studding I would go 1.5.
