Primary clutch performance question

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Rochester, NY
On my 02 viper
I had a set of 8EK-00 weights on my primary clutch. one wore down broke off and shattered the clutch plate.
I'm going to buy a replacement clutch used, how much performance would i lose (i know it's a relative thing just a lot or a little) if I buy the same clutch with 8DN-00 or 8DN-20 weights. I've looked at the graph, but how big of a difference is it really?

Thank you for any advice.
I think i have a set of 8ek wieghts here I used last year, that are in awesome shape. If you let me know how yours were loaded, i think i should have a combo of rivets to loead them. Ill look in my clutching box.
well that would be phenomenal. How much? and I don't know how to tell you how they were loaded... other than the outer one is shorter than the inner one. (I don't know much about anything) tell me what you'd need to know
I'd sell the set weights for 45 shipped. IF you posted a picture of one, i could probably identify how they are loaded.
