Air/Fuel Screw Rubber Oring


New member
Dec 24, 2009
Hey Guys, finally got around to cleaning my carbs. They where actually in great shape. Last owner must of done it at the beginning of the season. Anyway, one of the rubber o rings was missing from the air/fuel screw assembly. My local Ace hardware didn't have a direct match but one a little thicker. Is it ok to use? What does the o ring do other then hold the spring on.
No I would for sure get a oem one. I don't mess with non factory carb parts and I have never had a burn down. I don't know what they do but I also don't want to mess around. My 2 cents!
Not only should their be a rubber o ring but a small washer as well, make sure thats still there also. If your in a jam and your dealer cant get you one for a while PM me i might have one in my parts box. Live river said go with oem. CCC
Hey super I appreciate.. Luckily I was able to find what was missing, it was just jammed in the orfice. On a second note, I can't believe how clean the carbs where, I shouldn't have even bothered. Ah well, better safe then sorry.
