Foam Seat Density


Jan 22, 2010
Holland, MI
Hey, I am thinking about conducting a science experiment. I am thinking about building a mould to pour a 2-part flexible expanding foam into to create a new seat for my sled. Now I am sure many of you might think I am crazy or have way too much time on my hands (both could very well be true), but I am curious if I do this what foam density I should choose. I am leaning toward an 8lb/cubic foot. Anyone have any experience with this? Any recommendations?
I have no useful information for you, just words of encouragement :) love to hear and see how it goes!
03viperguy said:
I have no useful information for you, just words of encouragement :) love to hear and see how it goes!

LOL...thanks bud. If I actually do this, I will document it and post up picks when I finish.
Im pretty interested in this project, however i think 8 lb is too stiff. Here is some info i found online about the 8lb density. "This 8LB density foam is extremely hard and rigid, like that of a soft wood. Your fingernail can penetrate its skin, however it cannot be dented by hand. Uses include casting, carving, sculpting, sign making as well as areas where an extremely durable and rigid foam is needed for support. "
dirtjumper895 said:
Im pretty interested in this project, however i think 8 lb is too stiff. Here is some info i found online about the 8lb density. "This 8LB density foam is extremely hard and rigid, like that of a soft wood. Your fingernail can penetrate its skin, however it cannot be dented by hand. Uses include casting, carving, sculpting, sign making as well as areas where an extremely durable and rigid foam is needed for support. "

Thanks for the heads up, I am going to call the manufacturer tomorrow and tell them what I am using it for to see what they recommend for a density.
gbic1 said:
Ok after an hour of searching. What about this?

Thanks for taking time to look for me!! I was either going to buy that or buy stuff from here: I called industrial ploymers today and they recommended the 8lb density for use on a snowmobile seat, but just in case they are sending me a sample of the 8lb and the 6lb, to see what I like better. I think I am going to do this, if I do I will post it up in my worklog titled "Project 36".
