hesitation off idle


New member
Jan 20, 2008
vancouver island, bc, canada
im having trouble with my 03 viper. when i give on it off idle (around 3/4 to full throttle) it bogs down and the takes off. but when i rev it up till the clutch almost engages and full throttle it it has no bog. is this normal or is something out of adjustment?
Fatten out the fuel screws. Start with a half turn out, then go in 1/4 turns from there if needed. If your carb was dirty, it wouldn't idle.
cleaned the carbs and still bogs. i put the choke on the first notch and the bog went away. richened idle screw to 2 turns from 1.5 and the bog almost cleared up. what would cause the lean condition? im running chevron 94 does this gas have ethanol in it and would the ethanol cause it to run lean enough to bog?
Check your drive belt as well. A worn belt falls too far into the clutches and makes the sled pull out in "high" gear if that makes any sense??
