99 srx suspension


New member
May 30, 2003
Lake Elmo MN.
my suspension is still set at the factory specs, wich is pretty stiff. im 230lbs. what would be the best way to loosen it up a little to absorb the bumps better without bottoming out. where should i start.
suspension setting

your best bet would be to install viper shocks on the rear.check to see where you full rate adjuster is set.this is the bolt that holds your the front of the rear shock.with your weight and rideing fairly agresive you need to set the bolt to the bottom hole.just loosen up the bolt and pry it down.tighen up the bolt.when you sit on the sled your control rods should have on even gap top and bottom.any ?e-mail me @shanev@frontiernet.net or call me @(715)754-2975.

ps.i have viper shocks if you want some.sell for 200
gripper it all depends on your riding style.i weigh about the same as you and what i did was i bought the proAction System suspention tuning manual from my dealer wich will give you a preaty good understanding of the skid.ialso put on a set of bender transfer rods witch let me andjust the coupling,by increasing the space on the bottom of the rods delays the coupling there for using more of the rear shock before it couples witch gives you a little more of a comfort zone before if couples and becomes stiffer.i hope this helps some for i'm having a hard time explaining this
and viper shocks won't help
Not sure, but I think 230 pounds is heavier by quite a bit than what Yamaha tuned that skid for.

Lay on your stomach across the seat of the sled, and look at the control rod spacers (white plastic doohickies). If there is no space on the bottom, then you need to actually increase the preload on the rear shock a little bit. This should give you more gap on the bottom of the control rod, allowing more movement before coupling. THese skid can actually ride ROUGHER when you decrease preload because of these coupling points.

When the control rods bottom or top out, both shocks are working together, which means you've got to over come both shocks springs and damping to get it to move.

About 80% of SRX owners usually won't complain about the stock skid, once it's set up for their weight. Of course, miles of washboard will make anyone cry like a little girl, no matter the sled.

Happy tuning!
