pulling the motor


New member
Feb 9, 2008
whats the best way to drain the antifreeze on a viper? and how do you add a picture to a post
If you look on the front bottom of your motor there is a drain bolt.To attach a picture click on the go advanced button below and then it will open up another window with some browse button.then click on that and upload a picture from your computer.then click upload and when its finished click close.then hit reply and your good.
just to add to richs info, yes, waterpump cover has a drain bolt. Get a peice of 2x4 or something and place under one ski, place a drain pan under the low side of the sled. remove drain bolt and antifreeze will go into bulkhead area/pan, and will come out holes in corner into drain pan, then remove the lower waterpump hose and the remaining collant will come out.
