121" to 128" SRX


New member
Dec 21, 2004
New England Area
Has anyone tried this? I need a new track and was thinking I could get a little more track on the ground without having to do a tunnel extension. Tracks USA has a 121 to 128 extension for short money. Would the track hit the rear heat exchangers if I use a 1" ice attack track? There seems to be plenty of room behind the stock track.
you have 2.52 pitch drivers,,, My bad I believe the 128 is a 2.52........AC track.....
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i but in a yamaha mountain susupension 136 in my 01 srx with 8 tooth drivers and 1 1/2 paddle track and now the sled is not near as much fun, it turned it from a ferrari to a f250 im glad i saved the old parts cause i wll probably change it back, even though i never get stuck anymore
The two tracks are identical except for length. 15" wide, 2.52 pitch, 1.08 lug. Seems like the 128" would be a nice size while still maintaining handling and speed. I just don't have the time/money to experiment and was hoping it had already been done. The new Apex's with the 128" got me thinking about it.
