green in air boxs


New member
Nov 16, 2010
kelowna b.c.
so tonight i got bord and pulled my air box out nad i seen some green stuff in the bottem of the air box. when i took a closer look i found a tiny bit in the carbs i think its coolent. not sure is this right, any help please
Could be coolant and no it shouldn't be there. Check the coolant lines at the carb rack for leaks. Check belly pan for more puddeling. Hopefully just a bad hose. Otherwise check your gaskets.
from what i can see i am not lossing any coolent at. i am new to working on my own sled so where is the carb rack and i have not found any in the pan thanks
Are you sure it's coolant and not just a thin film of two-stroke oil? Mine gets a little "oily" in the airbox, down at the bottom, and near the two pillars.
02ViperMody44 said:
Are you sure it's coolant and not just a thin film of two-stroke oil? Mine gets a little "oily" in the airbox, down at the bottom, and near the two pillars.

x2 Does it smell like strawberries? Is it the Ipone? ;)!
