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I'm in need of a bit of help. I've got a 2000 SRX 700 thats starting to give me some fits. Two weeks ago I had it sitting outside the house idling after I had rode it for about a 1/2 hour. I ran inside for a couple minutes and when I came out it was barely running. Idling really rough and the wouldn't respond to the throttle at all. I shut it off and restrated it. Noticed the tach and fuel gauge weren't working. Clicked it on high beams and the gauges started working again and it idled and ran fine. So i figured I must have a wire rubbed through. Tore the wiring harness out under the pipes and found two wires rubbed through along the coolant hose above the recoil. Taped them up and put everything back together and figured that was the problem. Now I was riding again for a bit yesterday afternoon and my gauges were acting funny again when switching between hi and lo (sometimes not working at all) and my temp light started to blink 7 times and my oil light has been coming on when the sled idles. What do I have going on? More wires rubbed through somewhere's else or is there something else I should look at??

7 blinks mean discontinuity or shorting of the servomotor..7 blinks in 5 seconds.
I had a very similar prob. this fall...I had a rub thru under handlebar pad...gages went dead wiggled wires under pad and presto........found and fixed it

I had mice nest under my handle bars pads on both sleds this past summer.I fixed the wires they chewed thru,but gonna check them again..got to check everything thruought when electrical problems happen.Could be the obvious.
New member
So you're thinking my problem may be in the wiring under the handlebars? I should have also noted that my lights were really dim on both the hi and lo beam.

Best way to find out if there is a grounding somewhere is to expose all wires the best u can,remove pad on bars..etc.Run the sled in the dark and look for some arching or sparks.When I re-routed my wiring harness up over the pull start.I layed it on top of the coolant lines.Well didn't take long for the exhaust pipe to burn thru.All a sudden I lost my tach and headlights.Motor wouldn't open up..sounded ugly.I thought I blew the motor.I got home after 3 miles of running like this.Then I figured it out..the wires were burnt thru by the pipe. Two wires were almost not attached any more.But I was running motor in the garage and from the vibration on the pipes I saw arching/sparks going on.It hit me..the pipe burnt thru them.I fixed the wires again and dropped the wires lower down now.You have to check every inch of wire if you can..I know it is a chore..going into the garage now to check all my wires and connections again,included is the ones under the pads that the mice got to..
New member
had same flashes and symptoms, but my rub through was under the motor, and was a ground wire, and 12v HOT for servo motor. soldered and shrink wrapped em and all good
New member
I also had the same problem with my gauges going goofy, also found it was a rub through on the harness, after a lot of cursing pulling the harness out from under the engine, rerouting no problems and running strong now. Electrical is a pain in the a**
New member
the oil light blinking at idle is a bad oil tank level sensor. I had the same issue and the dealer told me that the original part # for that sensor changed up to a new #. anyway, i changed it and it never did it again.