Viper chaincase bearing #


New member
Jan 16, 2005
Hi guys!

I`ve got myself a 2011 Nytro MTX 162" and I am now leaving the two strokes for a while. (not leaving the smokers forum ofcourse).

Since my track was pretty bad I decided to put a brand new track on it before I sell it, will also be replacing the slides. (did replace them last year but now they are all worn out again??)

The track will be arriving tomorrow and I will be tearing it apart as soon as I can.

Now for the question:

Does anyone know what the "standardized" bearing numbers are for the chaincase bearings on a Viper?

Thinking of the lower and upper bearing + the bearing in the cover.

My plan is to save alot of time by buying the bearings before I tear it apart so that I have everything I need.

Oh and if someone has the measurements for the upper and lower seals that would also be awesome.

I know that these bearings are standard bearings so theres gotta be a number somewhere.

They are 6205 bearing's of different styles.With seals and without,with collars.If you look on the bearing it should have a #.The cover bearing is different # but will have a # on it also.You should of had me get you those with the track :) I can get you a complete drive shaft,chaincase kit with bearing and seals,circlips for $35.I really wouldnt worry about the small cover bearing.Its always in oil and i've never replaced one.
Hi Rich!

Yes I must say I agree, I actually don`t know why I didnt have you order it.
I will be seeing the track tomorrow (awesome shipping times these days, totally rocks)
I found out that the bearing in the cover is a 6204, but I guess like you say theres no point in changing it. Actually the only reason for me wanting to change it is that every time I`ve diasembled a chaincase I`ve wondered how to change that bearing, but we have a special puller at work that pulls it out in seconds so.. I wount change it anyways lol hehe. (great conclusion)

They have the bearings in town so I will just get them there to save some time so that I can put the sled out for sale asap.

But thanks anyways Rich:)
