loose grips?

this happened on my fourwheeler an they told me not to use glue incase i ever wanted to remove them again. however they told me to put a thin layer of tape. this made it snug an fixed the problem. not sure if it would work with the sled tho. just a thought
Use thin stainless wire and twist it tight. This is what we do on our motocross bikes. Not sure how good it'll work with heated grips.
well its not like you're likely to re-use grips if you remove them.

I just used good ol epoxy resin when I changed my grips...you can easily cut off old grips, then use sandpaper to remove the hardened resin

Mines a 99 and had a rivet, i justed drilled them out
JeepJimmy said:
01 srx 700. my grips are starting to twist. i see there is a rivet holding them in place but they are twisting. whats the best glue to use??? thanks

Hair spray? I used to use Auqanet on non-heated grips. Stole it from my mom and she never suspected it was me that stole it but my sisters sure caught hell.

sis - "Maybe John took it mom"

mom - "What the heck would John do with hair spray?"

me - "yeah, what the heck would I do with hair spray" he, he.
I use Shoe Goo or liquid nails adhesive.Easy to find at local hardware store or Walmart etc.I've seen at my Menards a single serve epoxy pack for 39 cents.Some grips fit tight to start with and other's are loose as F@#!.The trick is to get them off without wrecking them meaning be careful of the wire elements inside.
