Damaged Slider Screw


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I'm in the process of changing my sliders on my 03 Viper. I had a hard time getting the screw out of the right slider, it was very tight. I have the suspension out of the sled because the slides wouldn't fit through the track windows. In the process of installing the screw for the right slider,the head got really mangled. I had a hard time getting the screw in once it got to a certain point. I took the screw out numerous time to check the threads in the rail. It did have some filings in the rail which I removed(explains why it wouldn't come out).

So my problem is that I have a screw with a mangled head holding the slider in place. The screw is not bottomed out into the slide. So how do I remove this screw? I haven't cut my sliders to length yet, so I do have extra material to work with. I was thinking of cutting the slide around the screw, so I can access the head with vise grips. If I cut the slider I could just drill a new hole for the screw.I know I will have to tap the hole. I bought a bunch of screws from the dealer just in case. Will my plan work?

If anyone has an idea how to remove this screw please respond.

Thanks Matt
those "screw out" damaged screw removers are a life saver....worked awesome on stripped carb bowl screws, and a stripped head bolt for an old MX I was working on

If the thread is gone and wont allow it to back out...see if you can pry something in there (small flat head screwdriver) ...otyherwise, you may need to drill, as mentioned earlier
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Slide Screw

If the screw is flush or not sticking out of the slide just run it that way. then when the slides wear out cut off the slide with a razor knife around the screw and remove it.
I had this same problem on my 03 Viper... I replaced my slides last year and the one screw didn't go in properly. I filed it down smooth and just let it be. This year the screw sheered off, and the slide is currently half on my rail, and half inside of my skid.

I'm taking it in to the shop on Friday, and will tell them to just drill out the screw and put a boly on it.

I'm hoping they don't charge me an arm and a leg!
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