ohlins extensions


New member
Oct 7, 2005
Does anyone know the overall length of the ohlins extensions and how much they actually extend the rod? I have a set of srx ohlins on my RX1 race sled and need to raise the front end 1-1.25" and am wondering if I should build the extensions to 1.25" or longer due to set in. For example if the pioneer ones give you an additional 1" of ride height are they actually 1.25"?? Thanks
PM'ed you before seeing this, so I'll repeat for the others who might be interested. The extensions add approx. .5 inches to your shock length. They are approx 1 inch long with threads. It adds 1.25 to 1.5 inches of travel and ride height because of the shock angle. That's on an SRX. If the shock angle on the RX 1 is steeper (more vertical), you might not gain as much. Well worth the investment in my opinion.
you can buy them from Pioneer Performance. Sgauthier, I don't remember exactly what length they are. 1/2 to 3/4 approx.
