Is it ok if.......

I have replaced gaskets there in the past with new ones only to have them leak eventually and the only way I can keep mine from drooling all over the exhaust is to use a very thin layer of high heat silicone on the cylinder and powervalve tower to seal against the gasket.
raptorse68 said:
there is oil coming out of where my powervalves go into the engine?

Other than making a mess it isn't an issue.
Are you sure it's not coming from the pressure relief hole under the cable end housing? I'd guess that that's where it's coming from which would require new PV shaft seals. The backside of the PV has to be able to "breathe" otherwise it's movement would create pressure/vacuum if it was sealed.
I had same problem early this season my valves were leaking from the shaft seal out the relief holes....after about 30 miles or so the wore back in and quit leaking..I was just about to buy new seal and then all was better.
raptorse68 said:
there is oil coming out of where my powervalves go into the engine?

Only on startup or all the time?

When I changed mine I also bought new gasket and PV shaft seals. After I was done installing the PV's and adjusting them I notice I forgot to install the new PV shaft seals. #$%&*

Started the engine and it was leaking only on startup with the old seals. Since I had my hands dirty I disassemble the whole thing and installed the new seals.

Started the engine up and same leak primarily from the same pv in the center. Its coming from the weep hole so its "normal". So I told myself its if oil gets out then it means my pv's are clean so I'm going to leave like that!
it was the whole time it was running. I took it apart today and put new gaskets in exhaust side was missing about 1/8" of gasket on the bottom and that is the one that was leaking really bad. Got it all back together and no more leaking so I am ready to ride tomorrow.
