SLP piped 04 Viper mtn


New member
Jan 6, 2011
North East Canada
Just wondering if anyone can help me with these questions?

Elevation 1900Ft
Temp 23F t0 5F

I piped my viper with slps, opticool head gasket and all the specs slp gave me. I lost over half gas mileage and a little bog on the bottom end. Top end is fine but when I powder ride I get major bogging almost fouling my plugs. I pulled my plugs and they were not even hot. pto side was oiled a bit.

Is there any way to to improve my gas mileage from 50 miles to a tank to at least 100 miles?

Pilots 47.5
Mains 162.5 were 165
Fuel Screws 1 3/4 turn
Needle 3.5
Air box mod Drilled 3 holes 2 1/4 diameter under foam filter
Clutch weight rivets 13.3mm in hole 13.9mm out hole

If anyone could help me out with this issue I would appreciate it..
Major gas mileage loss happens. Those extra 25 or so HP's come with a cost. Easiest way to solve this is to jet for the coldest/ highest you ride and install a Holtzmann Ataac. It will automatically jet you accordingly (like magic ;-)).

You Actually Need To Jet For The Coldest And Lowest Elevation You Ride. The Holzman Ataac Can Only Take Fuel Away, Not Add Fuel.
Yep, you are absolutely correct! It leans it out automatically from a richer condition. Set it for the lowest conditions you ride in, it will lean it out when you change. I was not thinking as i was typing, my bad.

But the atacc system makes life so much easier. Most who run them swear by them. Closest thing you can get to fuel injection's ease of use with a carbed sled.
Here in WI, I'm running stock mains, (156.3) SLP pipes, 3 2" holes on the top of the airbox, with the carb vent lines running down like the old sx's, rather than up into the airbox. Plugs are perfect, but I do have a slight bog on the bottom end.
got holtzman temp comp on my mountainmax tripple red head with power inc end dumps get 17 miles 2 the gallon great set up would not be with out it. u mount that set up in ur air box.
MountainRx1 said:
Here in WI, I'm running stock mains, (156.3) SLP pipes, 3 2" holes on the top of the airbox, with the carb vent lines running down like the old sx's, rather than up into the airbox. Plugs are perfect, but I do have a slight bog on the bottom end.

close to how i have my bud's viper setup. 155 mains, 3.5 pos on needles, 50 pilots, and carbs vented to atmosphere like srx. sleds rocks. no hanging idle, no bogs, etc. his sled also has drilled out airbox and trail ported cylinders.
extremelyfastmax4 said:
got holtzman temp comp on my mountainmax tripple red head with power inc end dumps get 17 miles 2 the gallon great set up would not be with out it. u mount that set up in ur air box.

HAHA !! I'm avg about 7-9mpg !! I don't even think I could get 17 riding 1/4 throttle on a flat hard groomed trail ! Wish I knew how to get more MPG out of mine without sacrificing power !!
mrvipey, the holtzman ataac would be good for mtn riding.

your NEVER gonna see 17mpg on a piped viper,no way,never!

one thing is mpg and clutching also go hand in hand, so the more efficent you can make the clutching/gearing of the sled, the better the mpg will be once the carbs are set up correctly.

the best your gonna find is likely around 9-10mpg on a piped viper, its the large pilot jet and rich needle setting that use most of your gas mpg up, and its the design of the pipe which requires this much fuel be added. power cost money, but having built lots of piped vipers, I can sure relate to wanting to be able to make it to the next gas station.
Welcome to the world of the piped Viper bog when riding in powder. Read the last couple of pages of "the infamous powder bog" in the mountain section.

Yes, the fuel mileage sucks. With all the powder riding and hill climbing we do, I'm getting about 6mpg even.

As far as the bog on bottom end, I'd open the fuel screws to 2 turns and see what you get. I'd imagine you're getting some idle hang, too? Mine are at 2-1/2 turns, but I'm still running the stock 45's. I also am set up for 4000-6000 feet, which is quite a bit leaner set-up then 1900 feet. If not, then perhaps clutching is the issue. Are you running the stock 45 helix, or did you go to the 47 like SLP recommends?
