Sly Dog Skis - Opinions


Sep 18, 2009
Port Hope Ontario
Picked up a mint set of blue/white/black Sly Dogs for the Srx tonite
for a steal. It came with 6" Stud Boy carbides. Anybody have any
thoughts on them over OEM Yam Skis?


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I have Powderhounds on my Mt Viper. Waaaaay better than stockers. Turn easy and float like a raft. On occasion they do push a tad in the corners, so watch for that. But with a 151" paddle track set for moderate transfer that's gonna happen with most skis. So they may not push at all on a trail sled.
Super Sled said:
I have Powderhounds on my Mt Viper. Waaaaay better than stockers. Turn easy and float like a raft. On occasion they do push a tad in the corners, so watch for that. But with a 151" paddle track set for moderate transfer that's gonna happen with most skis. So they may not push at all on a trail sled.[/QUOTE

Float like a raft? Fabulous, we just got dumped
on with light fluff with alot more the next
2 weeks. Great!
Good skis IMHO. I would have a set too but I found a better deal on SLP powder pros which also have been great.
I like mine so far they float really well in the deep stuff and you still have alot of steering control. Big improvement over oem.
honestly most anything is better than oem :) I love my Simmons but have heard great things about those skis. sharp looking colors too
Put 'em on and ride, you'll like them a lot. I had a pair a few years ago on my RX-1, made it much more stable instead of falling in on one side then the other and repeating until you almost barrel rolled the sled in deep wet snow. I was also no longer afraid to treck into the deep stuff since it actually floated the front instead of turning into a sno-marine, stock skis suck, wish I could find a good deal on a set of those for my '04 viper s now...
I want a set for my viper s also. Ive done a lot of research and they seem like real nice ski's. They all have their good and bad but anything is better than the stockers. KJ motorsports who is a ty sponsor is the best price by far ive seen. The full monty with 7.5 shaper bars for under $360 and free shipping. You can cut that down a bit by getting rid of the extras, but if i get a pair im going all out. Argento i love the urban camo, i would run them for sure. CCC
they are a very good ski and tough use them on my 2010 nytro and have a set of new 8 inch sly dogs ordered for my vmax4750 mountain. the harder u ride the better the ski works very good flotation.
super1c said:
I want a set for my viper s also. Ive done a lot of research and they seem like real nice ski's. They all have their good and bad but anything is better than the stockers. KJ motorsports who is a ty sponsor is the best price by far ive seen. The full monty with 7.5 shaper bars for under $360 and free shipping. You can cut that down a bit by getting rid of the extras, but if i get a pair im going all out. Argento i love the urban camo, i would run them for sure. CCC

Thanks for the Opins. guys. Wrenching now and taking her out to
fluffy stuff on Rice Lake. ;)!
