Still Bogging from idle


New member
Dec 24, 2009
I've seen a few posts about this in the past... But I'm at a loss. I'm hoping someone who has experienced this before might have an answer.

My Sled was running fine. No issue. I decided to pull the carbs just to check them and give them a cleaning. I noticed during a test run before I pulled them that the sled would bog if I pinned it from an idle. Well I ended up taking the carbs off, they where immaculate, I cleaned them anyway. reassembled, and of course still bogging when pinning from idle. I did reset the fuel screws to 1 1/4 turns. The previous owner had them two turns out. I doubt that is the issue as the bog happened before I touched the fuel screws. But, could they be responsible?

I just recently pulled the wire harness and fixed rub throughs. I do not think it is electrical. Plugs are fresh. No changes to the clutch.

What causes the bog? Rich? Idle? I'm not sure. I tried lifting the choke slightly and pinning it, It didn't seem to make a difference. Or maybe a minor improvement. It's hard to pin it, hold the choke and keep it from running away.

Where should I start. Should I pull the carbs and redo the fuel screws to 2 out? Ths is an 00 Srx.. 2 seems excessive. Could it be the floats? I didn't adjust height. So they should be the same. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I plan on spending all day tomorrow wrenching on it.
Blue: Would it just be out of the blue like that? Its a green one from Hauk PS set to 8. I could disconnect the belt and check for the bog... Would that be safe
You gave me the opinion that the bog has always been there. No, don't take the belt off to see if it is still there. Are you telling us that the motor bogs while on a stand or on the ground? Is the belt worn? Does the belt sit above the secondary? Is the center to center and the offset correct? Any black belt marks inside either of the clutch sheaves? How old is the secondary spring? Is there a time when the motor never had the bog? Did you ever change the pilots in the carbs?
The sled was running great at the beginning of the season. No issues. The bog happened all of a sudden and happens with or without the track in the air. It just sort of came out of nowhere. I was getting ready to take the carbs off, just to clean them. The throttle cable slipped out of the throttle lever when I manually opened the carb throttle to remove the throttle cable linkage. I put the cable back in the lever, just as my gf showed up. I decided to show off the thread so I pulled it over and got it going. I went to rev it and noticed the bog.
I shut it down and finished pulling the carbs. Cleaned the carbs and re-set the fuel screws to 1 1/4 turn. Reinstalled the carbs, and still bogging.
The bog happens after the first throttle blip... meaning the first pin, no bog, but if I pin it again it bogs hard.
I thought maybe a fuel line was leaking but I couldn't find any leaks. Not sure what else to check.
Pull the carbs off and pull the reed boots off and inspect all the pedals of each cylinder for cracks or chips.
