So I spent all day with the sled. Checked all the wiring again. No issues. Pulled the carbs 3 times and this is what I found out. Previous owner swapped out the stock 42.5 jets for 45 pilots.
I can cure the bog if I set the screws out to 2 1/4 turns. Doesn't make sens though. The jets are already fattened up, why would the screws need to be turned out so much?
Also, I can't get the sled to idle below 1250 rpm. Plenty of slack in the throttle cable, and pulling back on the idle adjustment screw all the way still has it idleing at 1250.
Not sure if the two are connected, but I would assume so. Exhaust is stock, choke is working properly.
The previous owner had a growler can on it. I'm assuming thats the reason for the jet increase. I swapped it out with a stock exhaust. Do I need to go back to stock jets? Would that be waaayyy to lean? Not sure what else to check
Oh as suggested in another thread, reeds are good.
I can cure the bog if I set the screws out to 2 1/4 turns. Doesn't make sens though. The jets are already fattened up, why would the screws need to be turned out so much?
Also, I can't get the sled to idle below 1250 rpm. Plenty of slack in the throttle cable, and pulling back on the idle adjustment screw all the way still has it idleing at 1250.
Not sure if the two are connected, but I would assume so. Exhaust is stock, choke is working properly.
The previous owner had a growler can on it. I'm assuming thats the reason for the jet increase. I swapped it out with a stock exhaust. Do I need to go back to stock jets? Would that be waaayyy to lean? Not sure what else to check
Oh as suggested in another thread, reeds are good.
Active member
why would you want it to idle lower than 1250 rpm? manual calls for 1800 rpm idle. i have mine idle at 1500 cold and 1800 warm. i would go back to the stock 42.5 pilots and set fuel screws to 1-3/8 turns out. if the previous owner changed the pilots, he could have possibly changed the needle position as well. sounds like the previous owner could have lowered the needle 1 clip position, if there is a bog. i would check that. also, what size mains are in there?
It should idle lower is all Im saying. Say in case I wanted to do the powervalves. Would the needle have anything to do with an off idle bog? Just noticed I din't say in my original post that this is an off idle bog only. She runs great at mid and top end.
no one has any other thoughts?
New member
To do the power valves put the choke on and the idle will drop
The point is, I have a bog coming off idle.. Already running richer jets and almost 2 1/4 turns out. What else could it be?

Super Moderator
mopar1rules said:why would you want it to idle lower than 1250 rpm? manual calls for 1800 rpm idle. i have mine idle at 1500 cold and 1800 warm. i would go back to the stock 42.5 pilots and set fuel screws to 1-3/8 turns out. if the previous owner changed the pilots, he could have possibly changed the needle position as well. sounds like the previous owner could have lowered the needle 1 clip position, if there is a bog. i would check that. also, what size mains are in there?
This is your answer. If your not running aftermarket parts put it back to stock and start over. Make sure needles are right also. Mopar knows his stuff!! CCC
The more I think about it, the more it sounds like it might be a needle issue. Sounds like I am way over compensating for the lean needle with a fat pilot. Im not sure how to adjust the needle on a flat side.. Ill start another thread for info.
Active member
snopax said:The more I think about it, the more it sounds like it might be a needle issue. Sounds like I am way over compensating for the lean needle with a fat pilot. Im not sure how to adjust the needle on a flat side.. Ill start another thread for info.
bingo!! that's what i was trying to get at and say, when i told you to check your needle position.
So I found some time to pull my needles today.. Looks like my original thinking was wrong. The clips where set to the bottom, so the needle was fattened up. Why would the previous owner have richened everything up so much? I'm going to get the stock pilots back in and set the needle to the middle clip, 1 washer above and 1 washer below. Hope it's not too lean.
Active member
What are your plugs like during your different jet circuits? Make sure that sled has not been modded and now you are returning to stock (leaner settings) only to burn her down. How clean are your carbs? How old are they and what kind of shape?
Active member
I knew it was something w/them needles. If the clip is more towards the pointy end of the needle, it will be richer. Put the clip in the middle and have BOTH shims UNDER the clip. That will give you stock 3.0 position. You still have yet to confirm the mains in the carbs.
Active member
snopax, did you get the sled running yet? is this sled ported, or have a cold air kit on it? there had to be a reason that the previous owner thought he needed to fatten up the mid-range like that, w/changing the clip position.
Active member
it should be plenty rich enough at the stock settings if no mods are done
Active member
viperking said:it should be plenty rich enough at the stock settings if no mods are done
if its a '00, then the mains aren't rich enough on todays junk fuel, even in stock form.
Only mod I knew about was the hauk stinger pipes and some clutching. He must of fattened it up for the can. I won't have time until Thursday to get the Carb back in.
Active member
don't worry about the jetting for the can. also, what year is your sled? report back on the main jet sizes.
It's an 00. I believe mains where stock, I will dble check.
I went back to the stock can. That's when I noticed the bog.
I went back to the stock can. That's when I noticed the bog.
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Active member
snopax said:It's an 00. I believe mains where stock, I will dble check.
I went back to the stock can. That's when I noticed the bog.
ok, just get those 42.5 pilots back in there, set fuel screws to 1-3/8 turns out or so and put 150 mains in pto and 148.8 mains in center and mag.