Today I put larger spacers my transfer rods. I loose in the front rear in the rear shock. Drilled a new hole 1 and a half inches above the limiter strap. Tightened it all the way. The front of the track touches the ground will the back seat of about 3 inches. I even tight in my front suspension to try to bring the back down. If I jump on the back the skis will jump off the ground. Any suggestions of where my track should sit. I've been told 1 inch the rear and off the ground

Super Moderator
Wow, not being funny at all but that sounds like a mess. Im not sure what your trying to do? but it sure sounds like your settings are all messed up for sure. Follow this post by BTV and you will be pretty close to the best ride you can have. Ive done this to all my sleds with good results. Still fine tunning my viper s with ohlins but BTV put me close. CCC
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I put larger spacers in the transfer rods. To lower my rear travel. I also tightened my limiter straps all the way to lower the front end. Now my track is very uneven. When the front touches the ground the back of the track sits off the ground about 3 and a half inches. How do you guys crank the front end of the track up to even this offset out

Super Moderator
If this is on a SRX it sits pretty low as it is. What are you wanting to do with your sled? CCC
Speed run. No trail. Strictly racing

Super Moderator
I see, sorry cant help ya with that. Hopefully some of the race guys can help ya. CCC
I added about an inch and a half spacer on rods. Could it be just to much for stock suspension or not enough limiter strap. Drill another hole even higher
New member
why would you want to remove transfer dont you want to hook up and not spin?
Does anyone out there understand what I need done. Not question what im doing

Super Moderator
I understand what you want done and no one is questioning what your doing. But if you already crandked up the limiters a 1" past the tighest setting by drilling another hole you have the front of the track about as high as you can go for sure. If your looking to do speed runs and mean it you should put in the corect suspension made for that. If you bring the front of the track up any higher you need to worry about the track ballooing and hitting the tunnel and exchangers. Seems best way to fix the rear problem is to bring the back down to match the front. But i dont race, but track geometry is all the same. Maybe thier is a old school trick good luck. CCC
Edit: I re read your post over and over and finally get what the problem is lol.
The track should sit off the ground slightly in the rear, that is normal, but 3inches is too much
Couple things could cause this,
-front shock in rear skid is wrong length(longer than stock) or there is a lot of pre-load on the spring.
-Transfer rod length is wrong, and/or in wrong mounting point on skid (mounting point changed after 99 i think?)
-shocks on front suspension are wrong length(shorter than stock) or have no pre-load
The track should sit off the ground slightly in the rear, that is normal, but 3inches is too much
Couple things could cause this,
-front shock in rear skid is wrong length(longer than stock) or there is a lot of pre-load on the spring.
-Transfer rod length is wrong, and/or in wrong mounting point on skid (mounting point changed after 99 i think?)
-shocks on front suspension are wrong length(shorter than stock) or have no pre-load
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sorry again for the hard understanding overall question. I just got a droid.and I was talking.while it text the works. Let's.just say it missed some stuff. :-). By the way I got the suspension the work. I went out tested and rode it and it streroded out. Plus I left the larger spacers but backed the bolts off. 5 degrees. 88 in 500 ft. Stock gearing. 98 in 800. Track was not long enough for 1000. Still don't know if 23/38 or22/38 is better. Close speeds but 22 gets there faster. Stock gearing 144 pixx 5.8 500 electronic. 192. Hand held 5.4 def. Little.unaccurat though.
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That's a cool droid toy. It would help us help you if you could clean that 'talk to text' up when you get to a PC, It's a pain to read.
That's a cool droid toy. It would help us help you if you could clean that 'talk to text' up when you get to a PC, It's a pain to read.
This thread may have been better served in the Race forum where others have modded their rear skids for the same reason.
People that dont have any idea of what you are trying to accomplish, shouldnt post.
Good luck, Sno
People that dont have any idea of what you are trying to accomplish, shouldnt post.
Good luck, Sno