SRX and XTC video today

did a few radar runs,not sure the gun was working properly..maybe it got to cold to use..speed was bouncing around..anyways it only showd 97...looked like I was going a little
Scott got his xtc to 89 mph..
on ice would be a different story for sure,I now know that my front carbides are digging into the ice because they are broken in places..I have seen ice being ripped ahead of the carbides in got to change carbides..but will switch ski's around to single carbide runner for the next time.Betcha I was loosing 5 to 10 mph because of the extra friction being created.... :o|

anyways here it least the SRX sounds minty now,not flat like last year...will still work a little on clutching,but was wot today at8400 spot what can I say..
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Nice blue the video's are fun....Is that a big loop you are riding on or just a place from bridge to bridge?
RIVERRUNNER..that is the floodway system that takes water away when a flood hits us.It takes the extra water and diverts it around the city up North and eventually into Lake Winnipeg.They have trenched it out deeper and wider now.This section was smooth for like 5 miles,after that it gets really rough to ride keeps passing roadways and railroad track off course .
gonna get that camera mounted on my helmet and get that 600 of mine 20 feet air borne.There are some high road crossings out here,I will hit them at around 70 and hang on..should be 600 never just keeps on giving ,more and more.More vids to come.... ;)!
from the flood gates past St Adolph bridge.Was trying to get to the rat river,but on way ther we came across one major corner in the river that must of been 1/2 mile long with jagged ice everywhere..a sad site..would of been a challenge to get thru all that sh* we turned around and headed back to the diversion.Don't think we can make it to St.Agathe this season to go for a drink and food... :o|
Same thing happened last year. Between St Adolphe and and the Rat there was one corner that was full of jagged ice. Had to go around it using the river bank. High water tables this fall caused this again. Just south of Ste Agathe there was still open water last week.
First two vids condition with a hard base like that looks perfect for racing!

Nice camera, really good picture.
