somethin not right..


New member
Oct 11, 2009
hey guys...just wondering what would cause my viper to be sluggish on low seems to be fine top end but just dosnt seem to be as perky low end...thanks
Clean the carbs. I had the same problem this year and it seems alot of Vipers are. Love the triples, but with the small pilot jets they sure can be moody if not kept clean.
Check your drive belt as well. A worn belt falls too far into the clutches and makes the sled pull out in "high" gear if that makes any sense?? Or check and make sure the clutches move freely and there not hanging.
Red_RobbinHood said:
Clean the carbs. I had the same problem this year and it seems alot of Vipers are. Love the triples, but with the small pilot jets they sure can be moody if not kept clean.

No joke. Cleaned carbs yesterday, started and ran fine for about 10 minutes then bogged from idle. After a few more minutes, she wouldn't even idle. Pulled carbs again today and all three pilots were blocked again. Re-cleaned and Viper runs like a top once again. I had a little old fuel in the tank before I topped it off with new fuel. Also turned fuel screws out to an even 2 instead of the 1 7/8...seemed to run a tad better. ;)!
