Help!?.....Machine wouldn't start for first ride this season....I used OHM meter and found the pick up on the stator was bad.....purchased new stator.....replaced and machine ran great for ~7 miles. I shut it off and machine wouldn't re-start. No Spark again. I have not found any 'rub through' on the wiring harness yet but am still investigating.....any other recommendations to look at? At$250/try on new stators- this could get expensive. Please advise!

maybe cdi ain't putting out anymore..another $500 there..oh oh!!
thats not good........
what's the difference between my cdi and wife???? nothing. Neither put out....but for $500 I can fix one!

lol..good one...I can agree with you there.....
you have to get a manual and look up all the tests they tell you to do.Once you go thru the list and end up with negative results..then it says to replace the cdi.But you have to go thru eack section to test each component.Now if they all pass and then it is a cdi problem..I hate testing electrical...
you have to get a manual and look up all the tests they tell you to do.Once you go thru the list and end up with negative results..then it says to replace the cdi.But you have to go thru eack section to test each component.Now if they all pass and then it is a cdi problem..I hate testing electrical...

BUT a simple solution..maybe you have a bare wire somewhere grounding out the system.I searched my SRX and found a wire connector under the handle bar pad that mice chewed at.It was there all last season was grounding out the stator and sled would not open up all the way or even sound right at wot..simple thing to do first and then work your way up to electrical components..coils,caps,plugs,stator..etc.Did all your gauges work when it was running.Maybe unplug some things to the tach and lights and try again.When all goes wrong you can remove the white box connection next to the cdi.It should bypass everything and still start the least manual says that...good luck

it is called the load control relay in the manual
New member
Not sure where in Mi. you are, but I have a '01 stator & cdi in Grand Haven, near grand rapids.
Went to garage.....pulled plugs- checked for spark and B A M! Spark was on! Pulled machine out - rode ~ 20 miles and snap crackle pop.....down again. Opened hood and found wiring that was up against exhause and had melted through. Trail rigged and back off to the races. Thank you everyone for your input. I will splice the wires and hopefully this will be put to bed.
Went to garage.....pulled plugs- checked for spark and B A M! Spark was on! Pulled machine out - rode ~ 20 miles and snap crackle pop.....down again. Opened hood and found wiring that was up against exhause and had melted through. Trail rigged and back off to the races. Thank you everyone for your input. I will splice the wires and hopefully this will be put to bed.
mutbobcoo said:Update.....
Went to garage.....pulled plugs- checked for spark and B A M! Spark was on! Pulled machine out - rode ~ 20 miles and snap crackle pop.....down again. Opened hood and found wiring that was up against exhause and had melted through. Trail rigged and back off to the races. Thank you everyone for your input. I will splice the wires and hopefully this will be put to bed.
This is one of the reasons I'm going to move an reroute the hood harness on mine ! With the SLP pipes there tight against the hood and the harness is crispy !!