ripsaw 1.25 or studded 1inch?????


Apr 13, 2007
just threw the studded 1 inch track on my 01 srx enjoyed it while it lasted, thinking about a non studded ripsaw seems like the srx might shred the ripsaw are they holding up? and are they hooking up? any opinions would love the input thanks :letitsnow
Are you trail rider or lake racer ? Every track combo has a pro/con.I've done both but preferred just the ripsaw unstudded.A semi-new option is to run the Ice Ripper XT pre-studded ripsaw.You get both a bigger lug and studs without changing drivers.


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I really like the Ice Ripper. Just like the Ice Rpper XT its pre studded but its a 1" Hacksaw track. Improves braking and ice traction without the annoyance of a studded track vibration. If you are lookin for traction only then a 1" studded track would be the best option IMO.
I like mine...and I came from stock track with 192 studs. One thing about the ripsaw is that it is not the best track in the deep snow( it trenches) and you have to watch your right thumb when on foreign objects.(you will tear it to shreds). That being said I have 4000 miles on mine and feel it was worth the money and only have a couple small blemishes. I do really like the pre-studded tracks like suggested above but have never ran them. I have heard good things about the predator or 6 pitch tracks by camoplast too, they are suppose to be more durable and a little better in the deeper snow. Mine hooks up very nicely on hard pack and trail conditions!
Richierich.... the pre studded ripsaw you mention, can that be run with regular drivers also would there be some trimming necessary? Thanks
I prefer studs hands down. My SXR runs a 1" ripsaw, and my son's Viper 1.25" ripsaw. Mine is studed his isn't. Only in the deepest snow conditions can he pull on me and take off better. Even on hardpack the SXR pulls harder where the Viper spins. In deep snow 18"+ is where the 1.25" takes over. I will continue to run studs, safer stoping and better control for me. Oh 121" I run 144 1.125 studs, V patter in center and every other outer lug. I made my own patters out of flat stock steel for the layout. I found it easer to remove track and hang for stud installs. Al
I put 13,000 kms (8,000 miles) on my first ripsaw and replaced it with another ripsaw last season. I had a few lugs torn and track clips missing. Nothing I couldn't deal with, but with the Expert X drawing attention, I wanted the track to look good too!

I've never run studs, so I can't compare. I have friends who ran both and found the ripsaw hard on the arms for the first few rides because it grips better than a 1" with studs in our conditions (a little harder to turn). The advantage is because you don't spin as much, you're less likely to tear lugs.

If I bought a new one today, I'd consider the Ice ripper. Our trails are rarely icy, but you only need one icy spot to get you into trouble with a regular track.
I took my ripsaw off last year. I loved it in loose trail conditions! The sled stayed true through corners instead of sliding all over the place. It was on 2 sleds with a total of around 5k miles, and still in great shape. Last season was icy though so I went to a 1" challenger with 96 studs. It brought my speed back up a little and helped my slide wear, plus there's no slip on ICY corners, but I prefer the unstudded ripsaw in snow.
