2002 viper speedo


New member
Nov 24, 2007
fredericton nb
hey guys anyone got into a viper with the speedo jumping all over the place cleaned front shaft reluctor no differance any input would be great thanks
I have had some help from the guys on here with my viper. My symptoms were the speedo started bouncing around, yet worked most of the time to eventually showing 0 all the time. At idle, the speedo would bounce from 0-9mph. My guages and lights always worked.

I changed the sending unit near the gear pick up and it solved the problem. Unfortunately they are around $85. I went to two different dealers that both told me they never sold one of those before so I was a little hesitent at first, but it ultimately fixed the problem for me. Before replacing as stated above, check the wiring and connections to save you some money.

Good Luck
Hope it aint a main shaft bearing rubbing on the pickup !! I'd check this ASAP because if it grenades it can get pricey quick !
pipdviper said:
Hope it aint a main shaft bearing rubbing on the pickup !! I'd check this ASAP because if it grenades it can get pricey quick !

I was thinking axle brg as well.
