No ski pressure


New member
Nov 15, 2010
I am having trouble getting any ski pressure under heavy throttle. I have limiter strap cranked way down front skid shock loaded about 1/4 down threads and front ski springs (red springs ) cranked till only 7 threads remain...What gives?? why can't I get down pressure. I have adjustable transfer rods set even top and bottom gap. From a dead stop to 100 MPH I have no steering at full throttle!!!!!!!
post pictures of sled from the side with you on it, with you off it, and with the rear lifted till the front of the track just starts to come off the ground.
also, what red springs do you have up front? Are those sx springs, xtc springs,
srx sleds came with stiffer springs up front than the sx sleds. If your combining sx front springs with a srx stiff center spring, you might be teatering.
give us total gap as well in mm.
Not to be a smartass. But how much turning do you do at full throttle to 100 MPH. Ill bet she'll turn pretty good when the skis come back down.
I turn non stop on the trails at WOT comming out of turns...If I try this as it is I will be in the trees in no time...LOL it's that bad
Betheviper as far as I know they are stock SRX front shock springs like I said the front shock = 7 threads left above spring, Front skid shcok = 1/4 threads showing above shock, Limiter straps = 3/4 threads above nut, FRA = middle, Rear shock = 1/4 threads above adjusment nuts, Max perf hand adjustable transfer rods = equal gap above and below....? I'll try and post pics in a bit.....
srx springs wont be red, unless they have been painted. I wonder if someone had ohlins on the sled and removed them to install the first shock they could find that will bolt on. They will work, just not as stiff

If you read the thread below on setting up and rebuilding skid below, you will find out why many of the measurements you just listed, really don't mean much when comparing one sled to another for setting up a sled. Springs sag, bushings wear.
But I think with the evidence you have given me, I can guess what is going on.
post the pictures and I'll head you in the right direction.
I should add I have completley rebuilt the enitre rear skid this fall all new bushings, bearings, and braced & gusseted W-arm.....



That is with me off, when I sit on it there is not much movement it stays about where the gap is in pic. I don't have much set in..... I was thinking of going to top position on FRA to soften it up some?
If the gap doesnt move down when you sit on it, somthing is up.

when the sled is unloaded, there should be no bottom gap and on an srx you should have around 10-12mm total gap. when you sit on the sled, the front end should not either settle down or lift up if all is right. The gaps should be even to 60/40 top to bottom with your weight on it.

You either have way too much center spring preload or you dont have enough rear shock preload. The front can be adjusted to many differnet heights and the rear is just adjusted to that so lets leave the front out of the mix for now. its not slamed to the ground so lets leave it alone.
your rear isn't right.
you should do the first adjustment with limtiers loose so they dont interfere with anything else.
start with limiters loose, adjust front shock spring so the spring is loose and tighten up a couple turns so it wont rattle(this wont matter later when the limiters are set) its a guide to go by to tell you where your at. some springs sag or are changed or are different height when new.
set gap total to10-12mm (assuming this sled isn't long traveled?)
sit on sled, set rear spring so you have equal gaps without lifting or lowering the front of sled (front ski shock should neither extend or retract)
If you can not get the front end to stay still when gaps are equal, you will need to either increase or decrease front track spring pressure.

The long version of this is listed below under line up yours.
So I think I got it....Loosen up limiter straps, go just tight enought on center shock to take up slack on spring, use rear shock to set rod gap, and tighten up limiter strap to snug after that?
