Hyfax Saver Wheel

B Rad

New member
Nov 19, 2007
Does anybody know where I can buy just one wheel and the round aluminum spacer for this kit??

Dealer was less then helpfull and I lost one.

Or if anybody has one they want to sell...

Thanks Much
Yea for that price I'll take the other side off and sell it to somebody else and put the money towards new Hyfax's.

Thanks for the info tho!

I'll keep my eyes open for now.
You can use the small stock OEM wheel, the small wheel which is up in the tunnel. You can by this wheel from Kirk or Smart Rec Products for much less than the Yamaha part. I may have the bushing spacer for you, if not i can make one for you and send it to you. Post pictures of the wheel and spacer which you still have since there are a couple of designs for the hyfax saver wheel kits.
rx1jim said:
You can use the small stock OEM wheel, the small wheel which is up in the tunnel. You can by this wheel from Kirk or Smart Rec Products for much less than the Yamaha part. I may have the bushing spacer for you, if not i can make one for you and send it to you. Post pictures of the wheel and spacer which you still have since there are a couple of designs for the hyfax saver wheel kits.
im going to order two of these wheels what would it take to get the spacers i would need to mount them?
You will need more than just the spcers to mount them. You will need the mounting block which bolt onto the rails then the bushing/spacers to mount the wheels to the spacers. If i had the time, i'd make the mounts, just swamped with too much work right now. The bushing/spacers are easy lathe work so I can make one pretty easy.
Matty, the ebay item # is 150543622072, and he will knock some off, atleast he did me. Hope this helps

I will post the pics tonight and give you some accurate measurements with my caliper. I have an extra skid and should have those wheels. I have the block on the rail still its just the spacer/bushing (alum) which fits into the wheel.

Alright, Sorry for the delay. Battery was dead in my caliper last night and nobody had the battery in stock.

If the photo is visible I wrote down the dimensions next to the spacer. I will give them to you again.

Outside of spacer that mounts to rail block is: 31.58mm diameter X 11.75mm thick.

The dimension of the bushing that goes into the wheel is 19.99mm diameter X 11.34mm thick.

The mounting hole is 12.80mm I.D.

Going to pull off wheels from my parts skid shortly to make sure the wheels are the same. I believe they are.

Let me know what you think.

Thanks again B-rad
OK, got it. I have an extra spacer bushing. I just measured it, it measures the same as the dimensions you gave me. PM your mailing address or send it to me at jspeidel@us.ibm.com I will mail it to you on Sat., that is the earliest I can get to the post office. I'll send you the spacer, a stainless steel 1/2"-13 x 1.5" long bolt and two 1/2" stainless steel washers to retain the wheel. You should be go to go. Put some blue loctite on the bolt (not RED loctite).

Just got back into town last night!! Thank you soo much-it fits perfect.

I owe you one so if your ever in the UP of Michigan let me know-You've got a free place to stay!!

It's people like you that make this country a better place.

