z max

i wouldnt buy it just because of the commercials they put out there. A very old clip of carol shelby saying "he uses it".(never says zmax and taken before the stuff ever existed) Obviously not talking about zmax..
And anyone who knows anything about chemistry and the way molecules interact can call BS on their claim that it "soaks into the metal". Nothing can "soak" into a metal. Oil has nonpolar covalent bonds that mix well only with other nonpolar covalent bonds. Water has covalent bonds, but even they are polar. This is why oil does not mix with water. At all.
Metals dont have covalent bonds at all. Not a chance in the world any oil of any kind will ever soak into it. Their advertisements are complete and total bullsht. Its one thing to make outrageous claims, but to flat out lie makes me mad.
And as touchy as two strokes can be, there are only two things you should ever let slide through your carbs: Premium fuel and synthetic oil. Nothing more. or else you will be rebuilding it alot sooner than you need to
