srx reverse


New member
Nov 12, 2003
N.E. Lwr Michigan
hey guys, I know alot of you guys put reverse on your srx,s.I am in the process of putting reverse on my 99 srx and i need to know, are there any mods needed to be done -does the canister fit in there. The reverse cover is alot thicker. any info would be appreciated. Thanks, Jim
well you got to cut the ears off the cover were the battery sits ,,,and with a little tweeking it will all bolt up ,,,just got to cut that nasty hole in the hood for the lever

You don't have to cut a hole in the hood...cut out the plastic shroud and bend the lever... Friend of mine has electric start and reverse on his and I'm going to put mine in hopefully this weekend or atleast get a start on it..
I'll take lots of pictures and post er up for you...

I did one with a bender can with electric start and had to move the lever in about 1/2in for good clearence on the muffler. It would have fit but exaust moves alot so make sure you have good clearences.
Yea as yamahead said, you need to remove the casting from the cover. An angle grinder makes quick work of it. It is still a chore getting the exhaust in. I had to flatten out the heatshield on mine.

Thanks guys for the info I needed some reassurance before I cut those ears off the case. I figured they had to go but I wanted to make sure. Thanks again, Jim
slims427 said:
Thanks guys for the info I needed some reassurance before I cut those ears off the case. I figured they had to go but I wanted to make sure. Thanks again, Jim

You dont have to cut the shroud or hood either ...How I know I just got finished a hr

just bent the leaver ...Also had to space out were the lever bots on to the case going to have to tweak it alittle more tomorrow then starting electric start..Not much clearance for a battery....wrapping my brain now but it's 1am so I prob should figure it out
yeah, there is alot of tweaking and spacing to do with the lever. It is very close to the coolant tank. I hate to cobble too much but my back tells me it will be worth it. Thanks again guys for the info, Jim
I didn't install the reverse on mine but I know I have a coolant bottle/oil tank from a different model of sled on mine. It gives a little more clearance for the lever. Also there is a thread on using the parking brake lever as the "actuator" for the reverse and having no lever at all. I have a lever.
dnale said:
I didn't install the reverse on mine but I know I have a coolant bottle/oil tank from a different model of sled on mine. It gives a little more clearance for the lever. Also there is a thread on using the parking brake lever as the "actuator" for the reverse and having no lever at all. I have a lever.

What should I search for to find that thread? Will a 2002 Viper reverse kit work on my 98 SRX?
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I have a friend who will sell me a Viper reverse setup to put on my 98. What will I need for parts to make it work? Can I use the Viper gears and chain? Can I use mine? Not sure if I want to use the reverse lever or the e-brake cable idea.
