Has it been Ported?


New member
Nov 15, 2010
I am going to do a top end kit this spring and I am currious as to when I tear down will I be able to tell if my jugs have been ported? Is there any way to tell this? I bought my sled from a guy here in Cadillac that lives on the lake and is a Yamaha fanatic. When I picked it up he had 6 other brand new Yamahas in the garage and one was a Brand New FX Nitro no miles torn to the frame to put on a turbo kit....I am thinking my sled may have been modded???? I have the sled looking new and in mint mech. condition but when I got it after getting it home and looking closer it was odvious it had been ridden HARD!!! Skid was shot, sled was slammed to the ground and so on...
if it's not ported, the intake and exhaust ports will likely have the same texture as the outside of the cylinder. If it's ported the dimensions will be different and the ports will likely be smoother. The best way would be to just call the guy and ask him, unless someone on here has pictures of ported cylinders to share.

You can also ask him when was the last time he changed the bushings and bearings in the rear suspension, and if he adjusted it for lake racing. The SRX is fairly low to the ground to start with, but if all he was doing was speed runs, he might have lowered it. You don't necessarily have to ride it hard to get things to break in an SRX rear suspension. We've almost all had the W-arm crack, etc.
I know things wear but front end was set up with ZERO spring preload they were just bouncing around, rear had rail tips removed and ground off and rode this way, bushing 99% gone, shafts inside rear suspension were worn in half where bushings ride. I had to buy a complete second skid and make on out of two....I am sure it was lake raced as I said he is serious about fast sleds and lives 500' from the radar run track we have here....LOL
ah, I see what you mean. He's big on speed but not on maintenance.

It looks like you already bought a new skid, but if I misread, check eBay for an Expert X, ZX2, M-10, or any other decent riding skid. If you can, avoid investing in a second SRX skid until you've compared the cost to an aftermarket one. For an extra couple hundred bucks, you'd have a night and day difference.
I did comapre the two but wanted to stay stock for the performance handling so I bout a used srx skid and used what I needed and ordered new what neded new...
