SRX tachometer moving irratically?


New member
Nov 28, 2010
poplar gr. il.
I have a 2000 srx, with eighteen thousand miles on it.Ive owned it since it was new.I now run an 07 apex. My oldest boy rann the sled now he has 09 my youngest son runs the srx.It has an m-10 under hauck clutch kit gears and hauck growler.The motor and clutch on this have never been touched.The srx still gives my apex a run for its money.Best sled i ever owned.anyways the problem at hand.two weeks ago we were in munising and the tach started jumping from1000rpm to eight thousand,but the sled was still running fine.doesnt seem to be electricial, at one point i did have a short in wiring harness running under motor but whole sled shorted out.retaped and it was fine. Question do the gauges themselves wear out inside? doesnt do it all the time.thats why im leaning towards wire.I looked at connections everything looks fine? ANYONE EVER HAD THIS PROBLEM?
Yes, I had a problem with the tach reading erratically even though the engine was running smooth as silk. It turned out to be some corrosion on the connector for the tach. The connector is about 6 in. away from the tach under the hood. Disconnect the connector ends, clean the contacts with an abrasive, spray it with electrical contact cleaner. I put a small amount of dielectric grease on the connector before I pulled the ends back into one another. That was 3 years ago and it is still working fine. Give it a try. If you simply unplug and replug the connector a few times it should eliminate the problem at least temporarily. If it does, you found the problem and now know what to do.
