SLP Pipes


VIP Lifetime Member
Jan 27, 2009
Central MN
I just bought a set of used SLP pipes for my Viper ($274 shipped on ebay). I am sure that they will arrive without any springs or other mounting hardware (besides the flanges). I am wondering what parts I am going to need to mount the pipes in... is it best just to call SLP and buy whatever they tell me I need, or would I be able to find what I need at a hardware store? Thanks in advance!
Call SLP and they will send you what you need along with a diagram to mount- hook up properly........
Get ready for a whole new sledding experience !! Lots of writups on here about SLP pipes, jetting and clutching. Make sure you change jetting at least !
I just got off of the phone with Eric and SLP. The install kit costs $74 without the flange seals ($18 each). I don't know if the pipe set is coming with the seals, so I am holding off on them for now. I was afraid of someone else buying the pipes, so I didn't wait for the sell to answer my questions. Even if I end up needing to buy new seals, I still think I got a great deal on the pipes... hard to beat $11 per 1 horsepower gain!
Everytime I've called the guys at SLP they were great ! I'd ask them about jetting tho ! You DON"T wanna burn a Viper down ! Just give them the average temps and average height you will be riding and the'll get you close.
Just to add, you can view and copy the install instructions for the pipes from thier website if you already didnt know that. They have decent specs for both jetting and clutching if you dont have a clutch kit.
I still have my set of jetting specs, if you post what elevation and a rough average temperature I'll post what they say for you.
I found the file that mrviper700 was talking about... thanks for the tip. I see that they have two different setups (one for the standard viper and another for the mountain viper/ long track viper). I have an ER with a 136" M-10 suspension. I am wondering what you guys would recommend for my sled, the standard or mountain/long track setup? I am leaning towards the standard setup simply because I really don't consider a 136 a true long track.
Well the Mountain Viper is a 144"x2" track, so maybe I would go somewhere in between?
If it has a 136 on it, then someone stretched a short track and had to change the gearing so it would pull it. You're more than likely going to have to change weights in the arms a couple times before it'll be right, since it probably has gearing in between the two SLP set-ups that are listed.
I was the one who put the 136" suspension in it. I also added the reverse when I put the new suspension in, but never even thought about checking what gears the reverse kit came with. The way it runs right now, I am only seeing 98 mph (on the dreamometer) on WOT runs @ 8950 rpm. The weights and springs are stock. My brother has a completely stock Viper that is the same year as mine and he destroys me on the lakes. I always able to beat him the first couple hundred yards, but then he passes me like he has a turbo boost button or something! Hopefully with the pipes and proper clucthing I will be able to show him what it feels like to always be riding last.
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I bought my SLP's for my MM with nothing but a couple nasty springs. Called SLP and they set me up with all right springs, shields, etc. you'll need, it's worth the $$ IMO. The only extra thing I purchased was more heat tape, but from local vender. I followed there setup sheet exactly for my elevation, and my RPM's were on spot. Jetting was close too. But must be checked closely. After doing plug tests I found I had to raise my needles .5 higher. By the way, I have talked to and ordered from these guys several times, they really helped me and are fast shippers. Soc
You should really install a rear heat exchanger at a minimum when adding pipes. I'd also highly recommend an opticool head gasket & a torque limiter. If you haven't already, do some searching on here... lots of information regarding the above mentioned and other things to be aware of. Good luck - you'll love em!!
So the pipes finally arrived today. They are in suprisingly good shape considering the price I paid. As I am pretty anal, I want to get rid of the surface rust they have on the areas closest to the engine. After I get them sanded down, does anyone have a product they have found to be good for painting? I am planning on getting them ceramic coated over the summer, so I just need something that looks decent and will last for a few months.
