Mr.viper ??? please.


Nov 29, 2006
labrador city, canada
Mr.viper , question on reeds. i'am planing on going to 38's on my 780,had a set of vf1's lined up but didn't work out so i'am thinking of trying the boyseen rad valves. do you know if they would be as good as the vf1 or 2's power wise? and better yet do you think my engine would benifit from a aftermarket reed with the 38's or are the stock ones still good in its current state of tune. just to refresh your memory,the top end you did for me with the tighter squish i pm'ed you about last year,race ported case and big bore pipes.your opinion would be great.
Yep, I remember ya, with the case done and bigger carbs, for sure the vforce reeds will be a good worth while install. I have never used the boysen ones so I cant say how good or bad they are.
Try and get a set of either vforce1's or 2's, try and steer clear of the 3's, I have had alot of failure with the 3's.
I've heard good about Boysens as well. I've never ran aftermarket reeds, so this is just some info that I've heard of.
mrviper700 said:
Yep, I remember ya, with the case done and bigger carbs, for sure the vforce reeds will be a good worth while install. I have never used the boysen ones so I cant say how good or bad they are.
Try and get a set of either vforce1's or 2's, try and steer clear of the 3's, I have had alot of failure with the 3's.
thanks, ya i,ve been looking for the 1's or 2's .had my hands on a couple sets of 1's now but they all have had some of the rubber sealing surface eaten away at the tip area so they wont seal properly,makes sense i guess since they are 10+ years old and must have lots of miles on them. i'll have to look for some 2's and see if i can find a set with the cage in good shape. don't wanna sell those nice aluminum cage ones you posted a pic of a while back?
sideshowBob said:
I replaced my VFORCE 3s with the Boysens and have had good luck with them for two seasons.

ya i read one of your posts where you talked about the different reeds you tried,thats whatgot me thinking about the rad valves but wish i knew if they flowed like the vf 's . heard lots of good about them on other sleds and the petal life is said to be excellent. if i can't find any good vf2's i think i'll have to try a set.
