Bender Pipes VS Rest


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Thunder Bay,ON
i bought a set of bender pipes and on the site it says that they give 25hp and the slp's hauck and cp pipes all make 30-33 hp anyone know why bender wouldn't want to be competivitive with there's ? or are these more trail friendly pipes?
well all the numbers u see are numbers that they claim. if u were a seller u would say they produce high horsepower too beat the competition so more people would buy ur pipes. in reality they are all with in five horse of each other. pretty much u pick where u want to run your peak rpm. i personally think benders is the best bet just cause so many people got them and get u going in the right direction with out blowing up and fighting with them
so benders are making alittle rest then the others on the dyno but thats not enough difference to actually feel it in the sled is it?
You probably would not notice the difference and you also have to remember dyno numbers and real world safe jetting numbers are two different worlds. The dyno info is quite valuable when determining what RPM to run at.
okay well ehr is my question you then i am also in northwestern ontario what should i be running for jetting im in thunder bay,on and what should my weights be also, i have the helix and primary spring that bender recommened from them
I heard there are tricks the companies do to artificially inflate their #s. I forget exactly what it is they do but i do know its very dirty.

Different pipe companies make better pipes for different sleds. IE benders would be best for the 700 red head triple and SLP is better then benders for the viper.
