Still with the idle bog w/ video
I'm running out of ideas.... Tried replacing jets and needles to stock as suggested in another thread. Now running 42.5 pilots, 150 pto and 148.8 on the other 2 for mains. Tried various fuel screw settings. It seems to get worse if I am out 2 turns. 1 and a 1/4 seems to be the sweetspot. Not sure what elese to check. I recorded a quick video, could someone identify this as a lean or rich bog?
2000 SRX 700
I'm running out of ideas.... Tried replacing jets and needles to stock as suggested in another thread. Now running 42.5 pilots, 150 pto and 148.8 on the other 2 for mains. Tried various fuel screw settings. It seems to get worse if I am out 2 turns. 1 and a 1/4 seems to be the sweetspot. Not sure what elese to check. I recorded a quick video, could someone identify this as a lean or rich bog?
2000 SRX 700
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Active member
sounds like tors is acting up. have you checked the throttle free-play and/or bypassed the tors?
Could this be related to those float screens? How do you get at those buggers?
New member
it sounded like tors do you have the wires pluged together? it looked like the throttle pivot point was snug, it should move first then the throttle should pull the cables, are the carbs synced?
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New member
if it runs good above idle half/wot the screens are ok. float level set ok? air jets on box side clean?
Active member
ok, just checked the video and easy problem to fix. you have way to rich of fuel screw settings, trying to get a high idle setting cured, w/a slight sound of tors kicking in. here's what you should do....take carbs back off and adjust fuel screws to be at 1-1/4 turns out. make sure that the tors is bypassed......meaning wires are just looped......someone else can explain more. then, run the adjustment for the throttle cable all the way down, so you have maximum throttle cable free play. then, when the sled is running, turn the idle down so it idles 1500 and let it warm up. then take it for a ride and see what it idles at after warmed up. then if necessary, adjust the idle to be 1600-1800 warm. you should be good to go.
also, on the needles now, do you have the clip in the middle groove, w/both shims on the bottom of the clip, so the shims are closest to the pointy end of the needle?
also, on the needles now, do you have the clip in the middle groove, w/both shims on the bottom of the clip, so the shims are closest to the pointy end of the needle?
New member
Hey Guys - I have a question too. My 02 Viper ER has a idle / low end bog too( cleaned the carbs, check the fuel filer/pump and replaced the plugs) It almost sounds like it's running on just one cylinder at times when idling. Went RPM are enough for clutch engagement and up it runs great - plenty of power and smooth. I'm wondering it the fuel screws might be set to rich. I'm going to take the carbs off again to check and do a cleaning again.
My Viper sat for at leat 4 seasons with stabilized gas - so the tank was drained and the carbs were taken off to be cleaned - noted some minor stuff in the pilots but cleaned out easily.
I had set the fuel screw to far out, when I first cleaned the carbs - reset them and cleaned everything again --- Good to go now
My Viper sat for at leat 4 seasons with stabilized gas - so the tank was drained and the carbs were taken off to be cleaned - noted some minor stuff in the pilots but cleaned out easily.
I had set the fuel screw to far out, when I first cleaned the carbs - reset them and cleaned everything again --- Good to go now

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Super Moderator
Just somthing that came to mind rereading his old posts. One guy mentioned his clutches. Did he check his deflection and C2C. If deflection is low he will get a off idle bog. Most likely way off with this thought but it seems like he has done everything else? If what mopar said dont work at least check to make sure your clutches are right. Should do that anyway. My 2cents. CCC