low compression


New member
Apr 5, 2009
River Valley
hi guys looking for some info on my motors low comp.
i bought a 2000 srx 700 last year the guy told me the top end ad be refreshed so i took it home did a compression test and it only had 90psi each cylinders.
i took it apart and found out he replaced the pistons with spi or spx pistons. i rode it like that for the winter raced 3 different srx 700 that my buddys had and was always ahead by about 3 to 4 sled lenghts
clutching is all stock, 1.25 ripsaw with 144 studs with the hauck growler canister

this year changed the pistons to yamaha and now i only have 100 psi on all 3, but i noticed a big difference in the throttle response compared to the other pistons

now im just curious why would i have such low compression
i was ahead last year bout 3-4 sleds and i am still ahead this year about the same thing they are 2001's and tryed the same gauge on theyre sleds and its coming out at 118-120psi
and i used about 3 tanks on the new pistons
If it's running good and your faster with stock clutching and hauck growlers... I would just ride it like you stole it!
