Srx & Sx radar runs with m10's


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Rainy Lake, Minnesota
Hey everyone.

Ran both my sleds at the radar runs at the Thunderbird on sat. And had an issue and have a couple of questions.

Some info on the rides. Carbs have never been cleaned and they start on the 6th to 8th pull after sitting for a month or so, 1st to 2nd pull when out riding. Power valves were cleaned last year on the srx.

First sled is a 97 sx700 with a m10 and a 1 1/4 ripsaw track, viper shocks up front, everything else is stock with 3500 miles.
My 2nd sled is a 98 srx700sb with m10 and same track as sx, rest is all stock with 4500 miles. Sleds have never sat outside and look brand new.

Track had a 6-9" base and was a medium packed.

The SX's best was 82mph, but twice during the day of riding it bog'd if you hit the throttle from a stand still and would barely move, let off, hit again and it would launch......Carbs issues or something else?

Srx's best run was only 81mph and felt snappy and like it was pulling hard out of the hole with no hesitation or bog and at 9 grand on the tach.....any ideas??

Fastest run in our class was by a 2010 800 at 95mph.

Both sled running premium gas.

Sorry long.....thanks
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Your srx is overevving alot it should go right to 8200 rpm's or so and creep up to 8500 by the end of your run.That should give you some speed if you get your rpm's down.Do a search there is tons of info on clutching combo's and dialing it in on this forum.
The older SRX's don't like rpms like the 2000 and up, they need to be around 8100-8200, throw some weight at the clutches and load them up and it will pull alot harder.
clean the carbs and tune the clutches........... or dont run................
CLEAN THE CARBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you want fast radar run speeds you will need to ditch the M-10 suspensions!! 9000 rpm is way to high. First make sure clutches are operating correctly then give us your setup and we can tell you how to get the best out of it.
Thanks for the responses....clutches are all stock. Have had the m10's for some time now and know they are not for radar runs, put them in for ride comfort. Just thought it was odd the 97 sx ran faster than the 98 srx being they both have m10's and are both stock gearing and clutching.

Will pull the carbs on both this week and pv's again on the srx. Any recommendations on a good on/off trail setup for the srx with it swinging a 1.25 track and m10?
Check out the technical section under clutching, lots of setups there if still in doubt shoot a pm to one of the clutching guru's of the site.
