lost 8mph with m10


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Rockton Ontario
recently just installed and m10 suspension in my 02 viper. sled is pretty much stock otherwise with the exception of high bars hand guards etc. we went out to pushlinch lake today and i ran 102mph consistantly. Last year same lake almost same conditions i ran 110 and a 109. The only change i made to my sled was the m10. How can i get my top end speed back?
can't have both worlds.If you want a faster sled..take out the m10.If you want more comfort,forget about the speed thing..as long as you can hit 100..what's wrong with that.If you install triple pipes and do some porting..bring up the HP..maybe you can hit them high speeds again.
two things will make it faster, three really.
first, set your ride height lower than they recomend
second, get a higear rear axle and 8in rear wheels
third, you do not adjust the track tension on this skid the same, or even close to the one you took out.

Correct track tension is set by
finding good traction
keep doing hole shots and loosening track till it jumps
tighten it up one turn
now find a safe place for speed runs
keep going flat out and tightening the track untill you lose speed

Now look at your track tension when hanging, I would guess it will be hanging down a couple inches without pulling on it.

The track with this skid in it tightens as it is compressed so if you set it like the pro action, it will be too tight.

good luck
two things will make it faster, three really.
first, set your ride height lower than they recomend
second, get a higear rear axle and 8in rear wheels
third, you do not adjust the track tension on this skid the same, or even close to the one you took out.

Correct track tension is set by
finding good traction
keep doing hole shots and loosening track till it jumps
tighten it up one turn
now find a safe place for speed runs
keep going flat out and tightening the track untill you lose speed

Now look at your track tension when hanging, I would guess it will be hanging down a couple inches without pulling on it.

The track with this skid in it tightens as it is compressed so if you set it like the pro action, it will be too tight.

good luck

He knows his stuff. listen to him!
Thanks BETHEVIPER you are very knowledgable! It's obv that i took out my pro action for a reason I'm an aggressive trail rider and needed more comfort, but i don't mind Makin a few passes now and again and i knew from reading on here that i would lose top end. But i will use your advice and work with my setup! Thanks
Agree with everything Betheviper says except maybe the 8" wheels in the rear. They do not allow the m10 and track the correct geometry on compression and extension. Was at TeamFast awhile back and had asked Brian about them because someone else made the same recomdation sometime ago....Brian, thier lead tech, said they would have sold them with the 8" wheels if it would work properly without effecting the geometery and ride performance of the m10.
You bought an m10 for a luxury ride. By no means is it built for speed. Want fast, go back to stock.... Or a wahl suspension hehehe
Fast told me the same thing.

They might have some credibility on this subject with me if their skid kept the same track tension throughout it's stroke to srart wtih but it doesn't. It gets tightere the more you push down on it.

They could put 8in wheels on the skid with a standard rear axle if they would remake the rail ends and redesign the rear arm. It's more about manufacturing costs for them than a better product. If they tell people It wont work, it gets them off the hook.

I have had experience with one metric, one new style 121 ,a 136 and a 144 with 8in wheels and can tell you, there is no extra track tension issues.

I am not trying to sound argumentative, just giving facts based on real world experience to help others out with problems that arise.

8in wheels work.
Knowing Gerard and his 40+ years as race legend, hall of fame'r, sled builder and the man behind the successful m10. He was also working with the Factory Team Yamaha racers sleds as of last year, doing what I don't know, but the race semi was there a lot. I've never heard of him to skimp on quality or setup.

I've been in the shop maybe a dozen times and never got the impression it's all about cutting cost. They are testing and refining all year round. Awhile back I was talking to Gerard as he's packing up to head to Alaska early one fall for testing of the skids. He even at one point asked if he use the hunting property power line for some testing due to it usually has a couple of inches of water on it for about a half mile for some test runs before they left.

Says a lot about a products research and design when my 2 metric m10's that are 13 years old, ride as nice or better than most of the big 4 new ones.

Adding the 8" may work to a point, for sometime, but I'll stick with what works. Hope this post does not sound bad and it is not meant to be, just that I've seen what they have done in Eveleth at Team Fast all these many years and and have never felt they built and designed to cut cost....sorry again if it offends.
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Agreed, I know Gerard personally. They don't sacrifice quality. They give you the best product they can design. No skimping. But with better ride, might have to sacrifice speed. They do have the airwave out now which is a different design slightly... And he claims not as much speed Loss with that. And yea try test all summer on dirt track whoops even... They are hardcore
I want the best of both worlds i'm not putting my stocker back in the difference in ride is night and day! and its not sitting way up like some you see you can pretty well slam it by moving the rear shock back. Its an awesome setup just sucks losing mph boysss! I gave jaws a call today! gonna try a few clutch setups, i'll be back in blue!
I have a M-10 in my Viper and I love the ride...It's got Bender triples and a clutch kit, and is gearing is not stock...It will hit 118 on the dream meter all day...No sutds running on a lake....It's still FAST as hell ... But the ride is amazing...It's day and night difference between the Pro Action... I guess a few MPH don't matter to me... I like the ride....
Soup Dog said:
I have a M-10 in my Viper and I love the ride...It's got Bender triples and a clutch kit, and is gearing is not stock...It will hit 118 on the dream meter all day...No sutds running on a lake....It's still FAST as hell ... But the ride is amazing...It's day and night difference between the Pro Action... I guess a few MPH don't matter to me... I like the ride....
for me I was getting that on the speedo, with a 1.25 ripsaw and before I clutched it. with the mono I saw the same speed, and with the clutch setup I have and a bender can I still saw the same speed. and I know the bender can should take some speed away. so for men, I like the mono. ride is very nice on small bumps, and although less capable on the huge bumps, it is still very smooth. and it loss a good chunk of weight :)
I had no problem donating a few mph off the top end when i put the M-10 and 1 1/4" track on my 02 Viper. It maybe doesn't run triple digits, but it also doesn't ride like and empty dumptruck anymore. I trail ride, so top end isn't an issue for me anymore. I did shave 1/8" off the coupler blocks and that seemed to help a little bit with weight transfer.
I love my M-10. Yes night to day difference to similiar sled with the NO-Action. Wish i would have had one twenty years ago. Maybe I wouldn't have needed back surgery six years ago then. As far as speed I couldn't say as the sled came with it. I stretched it to 144". I can bury the dreamometer on it. Lose speed??? everyone says yes. Go 312 miles in a day and feel just as good stepping off as when you got on. Your call.
