RE: Coolant Temperature Guage, What Should It Read?


New member
May 19, 2003
Churchill Falls,NL, Canada
RE: Coolant Temperature Guage, What Should It Read?

Hey guys, I installed a coolant temp guage on my 2002 Mmax and went out for a couple of rides already and found the temperature is getting up to about 180 degrees, isn't this a little hot? I bled the system, I can feel all the coolers and they go from hot to warm, I thought it should run cooler, any ideas??



Mt. Max I would agree 180 is hot. I run a piped Viper and run at about 150/155 when trail riding very hard. You might want to switch to a digital gauge they are much easier to see. Summit racing twentysome dollars. --mac--
My temps on the digitron.... 195 on a lake with not a lot of snow, just enough to protect the hifax. 150 or so on a trail with at least 4" of loose on top, and 95 off trail, which is at least 3' of powder. Sled is a sx with mm coolers, and has everything except porting, run it on permium gas too.
It was out on the trail, it was just a test ride, since my complete overhaul, I even had extra tunnel coolers by bender, installed so I thought It would run even cooler, maybe there is still some air in there, I will try to bleed it again, anyone know any good bleeding tips for mmax's? mine will be especially hard dur to the two extra tunnel coolers...... I never tried her out in the powder yet either.
Where the temp probe is placed has something to do with the reading, also.

I agree that 180F doesn't seem that bad. If the T-stat is a 185F or so it sounds right. When you get into the 215F+ range, then I would keep an eye on it.

Even though it's not a car - most of the newer cars have 190F T-stats, and the radiator fan doesn't come on until 218F - But that is to keep emissions lower.

Oh...I just noticed your pictures of the install - I can't see the whole thing, but if it's an electric guage you may want to run a wire from the mounting block to ground (unless it is bolted to the chassis or engine where I can't see it). Reason being that electric guages won't read properly if they are insulated from completing the circuit (I.e. You have rubber radiator hoses on both sides of the probe.
yeah, you beat me to it, no thermostat, there is a nice place for them but aparently they took them out of these engines a few yers ago, I don't have the sensor block grounded, good Idea, I will do this, I really don't think the machine is that hot because I can tough the hose and it's hot but not burn yourself hot and after all the coolers the coolant hose is barely warm as it reenters the engine so i know it's cooling well. will have to try grounding it and and running in some powder and stuff to see if it differs.......
