fried my temp sensor?


New member
Oct 18, 2009
Last year I replaced the water tempature sensor on my SRX and last week had the steering plate(near handlebars) break. Had broken previously and someone did a poor job welding it, so I cleaned it up and welded it back together. Now when I just went to go for a ride, its flashing the water temp sensor code. Do you think welding on the sled could have fried the sensor? Its too dark to diagnose anything, was just wondering if anyone had this happen before.

Those temp sensors are expensive as hell :o|
I know when we weld on the equipment at work you have to disconnect the batteries and such, and I do know its possible to fry sensors/modules fairly easily with a welder. Ive never done it myself but it is possible for sure. Where did you have your ground when welding?
welding on alot of things with electrical componets which are grounded to the chassis can fry all kinds of things,even cdi boxs. very possible it did damage to it.
Was grounded on the the steering shaft, guess Ill just hope its just the sensor and not the CDI or wiring. Have tomorrow off, so Ill report back what I find. Hope the dealer has one in stock, they just groomed the trails.
I was getting the same water temp sensor code flashing on my SRX and it was the electrical connection that plugged into the sensor on the water rail. They now have a part number we you can just order this connector.

First try removing the connection and plugging it back in. See if the light flashing goes out.
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thanks for the tip tyler, just tested the ground wire and the wire to the CDI and both were good. Gonna warm my hands up and then pull the temp sensor itself and check it.
sensor tested good, dunno how to test if its the connection as there are no wires after the connector but that must be it.
Did you remove the connection and plug it back in to see if the light code went out?

I called the local Yamaha dealer to get you a part number but they only had one for the year 97 which doesn't make any cense.

If you call you local dealer and ask them to look under parts updates for your year of sled. They should find a water temp connection kit. This is what I ordered to fix my problem. It might be part number 8EKTSCONKT00.
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Yeh forgot to write, the first thing I did when I had this problem was pulled the connector off, cleaned it, di-electric grease and re-connected it and same problem. What I ended up doing was, slightly bending the pins on the sensor so that it would make a better contact on the connector. Bam, problem solved. Ill call my Yamaha dealer tomorrow and see if that number is good, if not Ill ask em to look further.

Thanks for the effort on calling about the updated connector, much appreciation ;)! :WayCool:
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